Deity of Jesus ChristSample

Other religions have leaders that lived and died. Buried. God the Son, Jesus Christ was recognized for who he said he was. He did miracles, and of course, he rose from the dead. So, he defeated death. Making it possible for His followers (Christians) to also live forever - their sins forgiven!
God's Word exhorts us to be ready to make a defense for our faith to those who ask. It's much easier to do that if we have God's Word in our heart. Let your life be transformed by memorizing Scripture!
One way to stand strong for the Deity of Christ is to memorize and meditate on His Word. These verses are some of the 500+ from 48+ topics in the MemLok Bible memory system. MemLok is simple, easy and fun. A visual clue helps you get started. Available in mobile or Windows apps. MemLok
Man says Christ was just a spiritual being that appeared to be a man.
BUT God Says Jesus is the fullness of Deity. Colossians 2:9
Man says Jesus is no more important than Buddha and all the other spiritual leaders.
BUT God Says Jesus is God's exact image. Hebrews 1:3
Man Says I'd believe if he could walk on water.
But GOD Says He did. Matthew 14:28-29
About this Plan

Jesus Christ is God the Son. He says so. The apostles and all of Scripture proclaim it to be true. His bodily resurrection settles it. Therefore, we worship Him, as only God can save us. We are lost and separated from God. In your heart, fall down before Him as you look at these Scriptures. His Deity can be found from Genesis through Revelation!
We would like to thank Drake Mariani from MemLok Bible Memory System for providing this plan. For more information please visit: |