Journey WitnessesSample

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians was written to a Gentile community who needed a reminder regarding their place in the kingdom. Gentiles were allowed to believe and worship, but from a distance, separated from the Jews. This, of course, created tension and hostility between the two groups. But the death and resurrection of Jesus changed all of that.
According to Paul, to be in Christ meant that there was unity in diversity. No longer would the Jews be the exclusive heirs of the kingdom. The Gentiles now had a place at the table and rights in the family of Abraham and would be declared adopted sons and daughters of God.
There is beauty in diversity. To be diverse literally means to be different. But the Church is also a community. It is a unity of everyone together. This is the Church brought together by the gospel and placed under Christ, every nation, tribe, and language beautifully diverse and perfectly united. So as you seek to take the gospel and speak truth, seek out those that Christ would seek first. Seek those who seem not to fit in the spaces the world has cut out, because then the gospel will fit perfectly.
About this Plan

Because ignoring the great commission is not an option. Jesus left us with the great responsibility to go and make disciples, to be witnesses, and to be his hands and feet in this world. Don’t leave something so important to chance. This reading plan is created to help you make disciples who make disciples. Use this reading plan along with the Awana Journey Bible Study book entitled Witnesses.
We would like to thank Awana Youth Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: