Journey WitnessesSample

Colossae was an ancient city nestled between Ephesus and Laodicea. This once popular commercial center had seen its height and was in decline. As was the case in many first-century cities, false teachings about Christ were infecting the church. However, Colossae was somewhat unique. False teachers had infused Jewish legalism with Greek philosophy and mysticism. Paul’s letter to the Colossian church confronts these errors directly.
Chapter four closes Paul’s letter with a strong reminder to pray and how to treat others. Despite the many that found themselves outside the lines of the Christian faith, they were to be treated well, conversations should be full of grace, and Christians should be watchful for any opportunity that might come.
Devote yourself to prayer. Be watchful and thankful for what God is doing. Pray that God would open doors and use you. Pray that you get the opportunity to proclaim the mystery of Christ. And when you do, pray that God would give you the words to be clear as you share truth in love. Finally, pray that God would open your heart to the needs of others and that you would create deeper and more impactful relationships that reflect Christ.
About this Plan

Because ignoring the great commission is not an option. Jesus left us with the great responsibility to go and make disciples, to be witnesses, and to be his hands and feet in this world. Don’t leave something so important to chance. This reading plan is created to help you make disciples who make disciples. Use this reading plan along with the Awana Journey Bible Study book entitled Witnesses.
We would like to thank Awana Youth Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: