Journey WitnessesSample

In the opening chapter of John’s Gospel we are reintroduced to the beginning, this time with Jesus as the Author of all—the incarnate Word. In Genesis we are introduced to God as the Creator and Author of all that is. We are introduced to the one who created humanity in His image. John introduces us to Jesus, God in flesh, the Creator coming as the flesh He made in His own image. In John’s Gospel, we come to know God in a much more personal and intimate way.
More than just that, we also learn how we come to belong to Him. John very simply lays out the gospel message, that anyone who comes to Him is given the right to be called a child of God. In the following chapters, John explains how this is possible.
So if the gospel is true and Jesus is real and everything in the Bible is accurate, then why don’t more people just believe? Our efforts and abilities without the Holy Spirit working through us are meaningless. God is sovereign and the results of any effort to spread the gospel are entirely up to Him. You will talk about Jesus to a lot of people in many contexts. Some will believe, many won’t. But our job is to be faithful. It is about God’s gospel and God’s mission for God’s glory.
About this Plan

Because ignoring the great commission is not an option. Jesus left us with the great responsibility to go and make disciples, to be witnesses, and to be his hands and feet in this world. Don’t leave something so important to chance. This reading plan is created to help you make disciples who make disciples. Use this reading plan along with the Awana Journey Bible Study book entitled Witnesses.
We would like to thank Awana Youth Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: