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Exemplify Sample


DAY 1 OF 5

To Be Like Him 

What if I told you that four words could change your entire life? Those four words that I think are so powerful, that became my mantra, is a short but powerful affirmation “to be like him”. That’s right, to be like him or exemplify is a state of mind that has changed my life. 2 Corinthians 5:9 says “so we make it our goal to please him” how do we please the Lord? I have found that the answer to that question is simple: do his will. See, most people miss the whole point. Christ lived so that he could be an example to us and so that we could be empowered through grace to be like him. Both, so that his Father and the world could look at us and see him. 

God’s grace is like a snapchat filter. Christ is standing in front of us so that when God or even other people look at us they see us, but through the filter of grace. 

Christ intercepted us at the time we were on a natural biological process that would lead us to an eternal destination of hell. He thought it not robbery to cause a shift. The Word, who was with God and was God, becoming flesh, dwelling amongst us and conquering sin on our behalf; while intercepting the guilt and shame that we deserved, interceding for us and dispensing grace—his unmerited favor. All of this occurred so that we would take the baton, and accept the challenge Paul proclaimed in the 12th chapter of Romans, “that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” What is the perfect will of God? 

The answer is in Romans 8:29:  “predestined to be conformed to the image of his son”. Our whole lives were designed to exemplify Christ. As we continue to journey together through this 5-day plan, we will learn the power we have when we learn to be like him. 

Prayer Starter: Our eternal and heavenly Father, we humbly ask you to hear us as we pray. I ask that you allow this reader to experience the power of your grace, and that they are able to begin to gain wisdom as to what it means to be like your son. In the matchless, wonderful name of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen. 

About this Plan


The Lord spoke one word to me in the midst of one of my hardest trials – Exemplify. God wants us to be and look like his son. Endure the pain, bless our enemies, check our attitudes and look like Jesus everyday. We may literally be the only Jesus this generation ever sees. Join me on this 5-day journey toward exemplifying Christ in our every action. You are called to be a brand ambassador for Christ. I will walk you through embracing the power that comes from exemplifying Christ in your everyday life, in other words living your Tailored Life. 


We would like to thank Daniel Bradley for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: