Infertility Encouragement from Sarah's LaughterSample
Baby hunger is a daily battle. It seems we can never get away from it. Television commercials show babbling babies, and we are reminded of the silence of our homes. Our mailboxes are stuffed with invitations to baby showers while our calendars are filled with doctor’s appointments and scheduled intercourse. Even if we could hide from the rest of the world, our bodies are constant reminders of our quest to conceive. Every twinge is either a hopeful sign of pregnancy or a devastating proof of failure.
God knows the way we take, and eventually, we will come through the other side of this trial shining as gold. He is not a detached Creator who breathes life into us and leaves us to fend for ourselves. Scripture assures us that He is exactly the opposite. If you are feeling alone in your journey today, or wondering if you can shoulder the burden of infertility alone, Psalm 68:19 is just what you need.
“Blessed be the Lord who daily bears our burden.”
Not one day goes by that God is not aware of your struggle with infertility. There has never been a single 24 hour period in which God has not paid attention to your heart’s cry for a baby. He knows how heavy the weight of an empty cradle can be, so He has chosen to get underneath that burden and carry it for you. He will never leave you alone to fall beneath this load.
God knows every detail of the journey you are on—the financial strain that fertility treatment can put on you, the awkwardness in friendships with fertile friends, the way your faith seems to plummet when you face another month without conception. He daily bears our burden. Not just on Sundays when we go to church and are enraptured in worship. He daily bears our burden. Not just on the good days when it’s easy to imagine God carrying our sorrows. He daily bears our burden. Not just on the bad days when we know we couldn’t carry the burden of another miscarriage, and it has to be His hand holding you under the weight of grief. He daily bears our burden.
Thank You Lord, for daily bearing our burdens!
About this Plan
Sarah’s Laughter offers Christian support to couples struggling with infertility or the death of a baby. These life-changing burdens are simply too heavy to carry alone. We care about your heart. We care about your hurt. We're honored to join you on your journey. Each day includes a brief encouraging devotion plus Scripture reading.