Finding Rest In A Busy WorldSample

The incident of Jesus visiting the home of Martha is familiar if you’ve been around church for a bit. Sooner or later, it comes up in a Sunday School story or in a message from the pulpit.
We very quickly identify with one of the sisters.
Let’s start with those of us who walk in Martha’s shoes.
Like Martha, we may find ourselves striving in our faith walk. We may have unintentionally subscribed to a brand called performance-driven Christianity. We subconsciously buy into the idea that we can earn God’s approval. We may believe that we’re working hard for God’s kingdom, when in reality our ministry has become more important than the Messiah.
We forget that Christ died for the ungodly, for the broken, for the bruised, for those who don’t have it all together. Scripture says in Romans 5:8 that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
Still sinners. God doesn’t need for us to be perfect. He doesn’t want us to present a clean slate to Him. He is in the business of taking the broken pieces of our lives and melding it together to create something so beautiful that He calls us His “treasured possession.”
If you’re thinking, “I’m not good enough for this whole Christian thing,” you’re absolutely right! The truth is, none of us are “good enough.” We’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard of holiness. Recognizing that we’re not ever going to make it on our own merit is the first step to finding rest for now and for all eternity.
Take your mess to Him. Take your brokenness to Him. It’s not too much for Him to handle.
Lean In
Father God, Thank you for sending your Son to take my place on the Cross. I’m so relieved that my righteousness comes from Him and has absolutely nothing to do with me or my accomplishments. I trust in that Perfect Sacrifice because of which I don’t need to be perfect. Amen
About this Plan

There’s no getting around the fact that we live in an always-spinning world. We yearn for quietness in our souls – but, often, that deep rest seems out of our reach. Or is it? In the next few days, let’s spend a few minutes peeking into the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany. Two sisters who loved God – but demonstrated that love in completely different ways. From the little incident in Luke where Jesus visits the two sisters, as well as other Scripture portions, let’s learn to truly find rest in Him alone.
We would like to thank Susan Narjala for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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