Overcoming Shame: A 9-Day Video SeriesSample

Humility has nothing to do with humiliation.
As Jesus was finishing his last supper with his disciples, he was struck with the thought “that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God” (John 13:3).
This was hardly a moment of insecurity on his part. In fact, it was obviously quite the opposite. With more confidence in his worth and value than any other human being had ever had, Jesus chose exactly that moment to wrap a towel around his waist and wash the feet of his friends. In an amazing act of humility (which the disciples couldn’t understand), he simply said, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:14-15). Incredible. This was Jesus’ teaching on power.
The most powerful way to lead others is with humility. He was turning everything they knew about power on its head. To have the most powerful effect on others, you first need to know who you are and then serve them with love.
Humility has nothing to do with feeling defective and worthless, and it is the opposite of exposing your weakness to others, which disconnects you from them. Humility is having the confidence to serve others because you know you have something of value to offer them. Humility is considering the needs of others with respect and having the courage to be vulnerable to them by your willingness to serve them.
Humility is not a form of weakness; it is a manifestation of power. It is just that in Western cultures, we have a hard time grasping this concept.
About this Plan

Shame is debilitating. It ruins relationships, thwarts growth, and destroys hope. Dr. Mark W. Baker wants to open your eyes to the real battle you're facing and teach you the skills to effectively fight back. Combining psychological research, sound biblical teachings, and clinical experience, Dr. Baker provides a valuable resource to address the pain no one talks about—and explore the only remedy that can bring real healing.
We would like to thank Dr. Mark W. Baker and Harvest House Publishers for this providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://go.harvesthousepublishers.com/overcomingshame
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