Through My Father's EyesSample

My father made a profound impact on me and my siblings through his example. I remember when he was home, he would sometimes gather us up, grab his walking stick, and take us on a hike up the mountain. He used his walking stick to check out the ground, warning of what was ahead. He led the way, and we followed in his steps.
I have often reflected on how this is what God does. He walks before us with warnings and encouragement to follow in His steps. Falling into step with the Lord in this way requires feasting on His Word. As Christians, we should be able to look back and see a progression of growth in our daily steps. Walking with Christ in this way will make us fit for the Kingdom, help us reach out to others, and refresh our spirits. The best part is we can take every single step with Him.
In the Gospels, we read how Jesus walked the dusty roads every day. His feet trudged rocky ridges and hillsides laden with lilies. And as He walked, He taught His disciples. He did not give them the big picture at first, but in time it was revealed that each step of Jesus was purpose-filled. Each step was a teaching tool. Each step led them into a deeper understanding of Christ.
God is concerned about the steps we take, and His Word is the instruction manual for how we should walk. While many find it difficult to determine whether a path is right or wrong, the Bible is clear: anything that does not glorify the Father is the wrong path to take. As the author of Hebrews said, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1 NKJV).
Over the years, I observed my father avoid snares. I learned, by watching his steps, that I can’t do everything. I get invitations all the time to be part of various causes—many that are good but wrong for me because they distract me from what I was called to do. For me, I was called to preach the gospel. These are the steps God has ordained for my life. And the heavenly Father gave me the great gift of an earthly father who exemplified this throughout his lifetime.
My father would be the first to say, “Let God speak to your heart and then be obedient to His call.” Many people, like me, have been inspired to consider God’s call to the ministry because of my father’s steps. Countless numbers are pastors, missionaries, and evangelists because God used my father’s life to challenge them. But Billy Graham preached, “Follow the steps of Christ. Accept the burdens that come, for God will carry them on His shoulders. Accept the blessings that come, and humbly give them back to God.”
We are all called to walk in step with Jesus and in the steps of Jesus—wherever that may lead. We are called to follow His example and model our lives after His ways. And Jesus has promised that if we follow His steps on earth, we will follow His steps in the life to come.
What does walking in Jesus’ steps teach you about His love for you and for the world? In what ways has Jesus’ example helped you make right choices in your life?
What is a path in your life right now that you need to choose whether or not to follow? How will you discern whether this is the correct path to take?
What does it look like in your life to follow Jesus’ steps wherever they lead? How is God calling you to walk in step with Him today?
About this Plan

While most people knew Billy Graham as a world-renowned evangelist, Franklin Graham knew him in a different way: as a dad. In this seven-day plan, Franklin explores the many lessons he learned from his father and the lasting impact those lessons have had on his life.
We would like to thank HarperCollins for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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