The Good Portion : ScriptureSample

The Climax of the Story
The Bible is a book of wisdom and an abundant source of encouragement, but it’s not really intended to be a spiritual encyclopedia with a list of divine answers. Fundamentally, the Bible is a story. It tells of God creating a people for Himself who would know him personally.
Jesus is the climax of the story of the Bible. Every human being has been created in the image of God to reflect His character to the world. But we have all, like the Israelites, chosen to live for ourselves and to worship created things. We long for money, food, prestige, sex appeal and human relationships, trying to use them to satisfy our needs. We ignore our Creator, dishonoring our praiseworthy God. We have separated ourselves from God’s steadfast love and kindness and as rebels have become his enemies, subject to his just wrath.
But through Jesus, we can be reconciled with God. Through Jesus the barrier of hostility has come down because he was punished for our iniquity. He was wounded, crushed, chastised, stricken, and anguished of soul to make many counted as righteous. Out of love, God sent his Son, the precious Lamb, to take away our sin, and now we can truly know God.
We are pulled into the story of the Bible when we put our trust in Jesus who brings us to God. Don’t you want to know this God?
About this Plan

As women in the modern world we often juggle the responsibilities of work and school and home. Sometimes life is overwhelming and sometimes it is just mundane. But the God who sent His Son into the world to rescue sinners gives meaning to both the overwhelming and the mundane. He created us to enjoy knowing Him. In knowing God through the Scriptures we find meaning and joy!
We would like to thank Keri Folmar and UCCD Dubai for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: