Jesus: Joy Of The SeasonSample

Why I Set Up A Christmas Tree Every Year
Written By Karen Kwek, Singapore
I’m fussy when it comes to Christmas trees. I like mine a certain way—no less than six feet (1.8m) tall, boughs filled out with green needly foliage, handmade ornaments, and twinkling (not flashing!) lights.
Where do traditions like this come from? Before Christianity, people were already bringing evergreen branches into their homes during winter, to remind them of the coming spring. The decorated tree as we know it seems to have originated some 400 years ago in Germany, when Christians adopted it as a symbol of the everlasting life that Jesus brings.
Traditions develop as a way of remembering and retelling important news or events. Christian traditions have developed alongside—sometimes replacing, sometimes transforming—non-Christian customs and rites. Whether we realize it or not, what we do at Christmas nowadays is probably a unique blend of our culture and the habits we’ve grown up with.
But Christmas is so much more. The word itself is derived from “Christ’s mass”, that is, the feast day commemorating the birth of the Christ or Messiah, a title for God’s Chosen King. This title signifies that God has given Jesus authority over everything, to bring back to Him a world that doesn’t know Him or doesn’t accept His rule. The result of turning our backs on God is separation from Him forever. But God sent Jesus into the world to take that punishment in our place—a baby born to die—so that we can live. At the heart of Christmas, then, is the great news of friendship, a living relationship, with God Himself! “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners . . .” (1 Timothy 1:15).
The real message of Christmas isn’t in any of our traditions per se, and so, merely observing traditions doesn’t make us Christian. No, Christians are people who have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus. Even wonderful Christian traditions like carol services, Advent calendars and nativity plays can become empty shells of activity if we fail to grow and delight in our friendship with God.
On the other hand, if what we do expresses a healthy relationship with God, over time such practices can come to symbolize much more—that’s when a meaningful tradition is born.
Would it still be Christmas without the tree? You bet! In my heart it’s Christmas all year round. But because I can choose how to celebrate 25 December (or 7 January if you live in a country where the church is Eastern Orthodox), I’ll pick my traditions with care, and own them. What about you? What are your Christmas traditions? Which ones best create the opportunities to remember, share Jesus with others, and pass on the good news of joy?
About this Plan

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Not because of the gifts we will receive, but because of the greatest gift we have already received. Join us as we consider why we celebrate Christmas and why Jesus is truly the greatest gift we can ever receive. Brought to you by YMI. Ask the why, know your purpose.
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