Tedashii - Below ParadiseSample

Angels & Demons
Maybe you’ve seen this picture of conflict: a man is trying to make a decision about something. He begins to ponder his options by having a conversation with a tiny angel and devil hovering over each shoulder. It’s usually pretty funny.
In contrast, what we’ll look at today is no laughing matter.
The scriptures are explicit in 2 Corinthians 10 that we have an opponent, we’re at war. And - contrary to those that think we’re battling politicians, individuals in the entertainment industry, or criminals - the truth is we’re waging a war that isn’t against tangible people - flesh and blood. And since this battle is not being fought in the physical realm, physical weapons will never do. What then are the weapons for this spiritual battle?
Ephesians 6 explains it. Paul is writing to believers at Ephesus. Acts 19 gives a cultural background of Ephesus, exorcisms and magic arts were common. They would have understood the gravity of this spiritual war, and the necessary armor for it.
You may have noticed that one item in the armor list stands out as an actual offensive weapon - the sword of the Spirit - God’s word. How do we effectively wield this sword? By the power of the Holy Spirit and what comes next in the text - prayer. Growing in the skill of praying God’s word is essential for the believer, if we are to stand our ground at all in this battle. But please don’t be too quick to narrow your focus solely to this area. I don't want to minimize the importance of the sword, I want to maximize the importance of the WHOLE armor.
- How are you fighting to believe truth?
- How well do you remind yourself of Christ's righteousness that has been credited to you and let it influence your actions?
- How are you daily growing deeper in the gospel?
- Do you believe God is who He says He is? Our faith is only as strong as the object it's in.
- How does your salvation serve as a guard for your thoughts?
- How are you using the scriptures and prayer to battle well?
Take one question from the list and think on it today, asking The Lord to show you how you might stand firm.
Father, thank you for giving me all I need to stand firm in this battle. Amen.
About this Plan

Husband, father, artist, teacher. Tedashii is a many of multiple roles. With his 2014 album, Below Paradise, Tedashii gives an honest confession of the pain he felt after suffering the loss of his son, and the sobering realization he came to regarding life in a fallen world. We will have pain here, but can take heart if we put our hope in Christ, the One who has overcome the world.