It Starts With MeSample

It Starts With Me Being A Friend First
Too often people complain or tweet about not having friends or community in their life —if only they knew that the solution lies within them! Just as Jesus initiated a relationship between Himself and humanity, sometimes we must be the instigators and initiators of friendships so that we can enjoy the fullness of community that God intends for us. Why not create quality community for yourself by being a friend first!
Jesus didn’t wait for us to approach Him; He made the first move. Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” We did not ask for Jesus, nor did we do anything to deserve Jesus, but yet He still came to us.
Rather than wait for others to acknowledge us, look in our direction, or invite us to sit with them, as Christians we should imitate Jesus and go first in friendships. Make the first move: make eye contact, be the first to smile, have a good attitude, and introduce yourself! While your friendliness won’t always be reciprocated, most of the time it will be received and returned in your direction. The more you do this, the more confident you will become and the more you will recognize community happening in and around your life.
• Go first today and extend your friendship to a stranger at school, or to someone you have known for years (but have never been friends with).
• In your journal, make a list of names that represent the community you have in your life right at this moment. Make a second list of names of the people who you want to invest more of your time and energy on in the future.
Too often people complain or tweet about not having friends or community in their life —if only they knew that the solution lies within them! Just as Jesus initiated a relationship between Himself and humanity, sometimes we must be the instigators and initiators of friendships so that we can enjoy the fullness of community that God intends for us. Why not create quality community for yourself by being a friend first!
Jesus didn’t wait for us to approach Him; He made the first move. Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” We did not ask for Jesus, nor did we do anything to deserve Jesus, but yet He still came to us.
Rather than wait for others to acknowledge us, look in our direction, or invite us to sit with them, as Christians we should imitate Jesus and go first in friendships. Make the first move: make eye contact, be the first to smile, have a good attitude, and introduce yourself! While your friendliness won’t always be reciprocated, most of the time it will be received and returned in your direction. The more you do this, the more confident you will become and the more you will recognize community happening in and around your life.
• Go first today and extend your friendship to a stranger at school, or to someone you have known for years (but have never been friends with).
• In your journal, make a list of names that represent the community you have in your life right at this moment. Make a second list of names of the people who you want to invest more of your time and energy on in the future.
About this Plan

Jesus changes everything. Because of what He has done for us, our lives can never be the same. It Starts With Me was created by Fuse, the student ministry of NewSpring Church, to challenge students to take responsibility and live in a way that reflects the value and importance that Jesus has placed on our lives.
We would like to thank Fuse, a ministry of NewSpring Church, for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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