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The Power Of PRAYERExemplo

The Power Of PRAYER

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Prayer Opens The Door For Miracles

“When human reason has exhausted every possibility, the children can go to their Father and receive all they need. ... For only when you have become utterly dependent upon prayer and faith, only when all human possibilities have been exhausted, can you begin to reckon that God will intervene and work His miracles.”Basilea Schlink

I am so thankful for the simplicity of prayer that wrought great victories in impossible situations in our lives. Jesus, when teaching his disciples to pray was actually equipping them to access the courtroom of heaven, shatter spiritual glass ceilings, and enlist the help of the greatest angelic army to bring heaven to earth. The privilege of prayer is far greater than petitioning for our needs, but rather it is the positioning posture for miracles to invade our sphere of influence. Jesus never took prayer lightly, and he being the Son of God had set times of prayer daily, early mornings, and sometimes all night. His secluded times of prayer was his refueling port and gaining the heart of his father; what was on God’s agenda for the day. If Jesus did not skip prayer how much more important it is for us to have set times of prayer also. 

Many miracles were done through Jesus because he was committed to prayer. He healed everyone that came to him for healing, he raised the dead, he fed thousands of people with limited food, he walked on water, and he endured the crucifixion and death, and every miracle was preceded by prayer. Jesus said,  Greater things we will do. (John 14:12) The Apostles walked in the measure of prayer just like Jesus did and they also saw great miracles in their lives. The Apostle Peter was imprisoned overnight, heavily guarded awaiting his trial the next day and the bible says, “So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.” (Acts 12:5 NIV). Because of the prayers of the saints, an angel was enabled to intervene and break Peter out of the prison cell. 

When we pray on earth the will and heart of God, it may seem like nothing is happening but according to the book of Revelation, our prayers are going up to heaven and is stored in golden bowls. (Revelation 5:8). King David had the revelation of prayer rising like incense before the Lord. (Psalm 141:2 NIV) Later on, in Revelation, we read about the angel mingling the incense and the prayers of the saints on the altar of fire, and the smoke went up before God. These scriptures show us that our prayers are not in vain or wasted, but they go up before God and Jesus who is our perfect intercessor, prays perfect prayers for us. I am praying as you are coming to the end of this plan that your whole view and mindset of prayer have changed, and every time you approach God’s throne, you would remember that your prayer is being heard and the answer will arrive in due time. 


  •  Prayer is the practice of the presence of God
  •  Prayer brings God’s desires from heaven to earth
  •  Prayer is our winning weapon in the invisible war
  •  Don’t quit praying
  •  Prayer opens the door for miracles

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil....” E.M. Bounds 

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The Power Of PRAYER

Prayer to most believers is viewed as monotonous. But the truth is prayer is powerful, and it is a time set apart where we converse with our heavenly Father. The privilege of prayer is far greater than petitioning for our needs, but rather it is the positioning posture for miracles to invade our sphere of influence. After you have finished with this plan, my prayer for you is that you would never view prayer the same as before.
