Amor e CasamentoExemplo
Your old self won't be nearly as good of a spouse as your new self. This passage challenges us to set aside the poor behaviors that always get in the way of a healthy marriage and put on the character of Christ. Although it makes it sound as easy as putting on a coat, read it aloud together and listen for that one sinful trait that is the hardest for you to get rid of and the one godly trait that is the hardest to clothe yourself in. Confess the ways you've failed to put on godly character and ask your spouse to forgive you. Pray together that God will give you the determination to put His character on again and again every day.
Sobre este plano
Ao focarmo-nos no nosso casamento dentro do contexto das Escrituras, damos a Deus a oportunidade de nos revelar novas introspeções sobre a nossa relação e de fortalecer a nossa ligação. O Plano de Leitura Amor e Casamento caracteriza uma passagem focada na escritura e pensamentos curtos a cada diz para iniciar diálogo e rezar com o seu cônjuge. Este plano de cinco dias é um compromisso de curto prazo para ajudá-lo a investir na relação de toda a sua vida.
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