Pain to PURPOSE!Exemplo

Day Six
Step 6: We Must Live in a Continual State of Obedience
As we have done the previous 5 steps, we need to be obedient to what the Lord may be showing us.
Get in your prayer closet with the Lord with an open heart ready to receive His correction, direction and divine revelation!
It's time to humble ourselves and go to God as your source.
People, places and things are nice, but they are not your source for healing.
I tried to heal this way unknowingly for years and it left me devastated and worse off than before.
I had multiple failed relationships, I always wanting to move to get away from my problems (not realizing they were within my soul), I had mounds of debt (I used shopping as therapy), and numerous other issues.
This is just an example from my experience when you go to the world to heal you and not our creator.
We must go to God and ask for revelation, wisdom and understanding so that you can heal from the inside out.
In Scripture we are told to ask! I think for many of us we find it difficult to ask God for what we need. As survivors we have self-learned that we cannot depend on people, so we create this toxic mindset (a barrier) that in order for us to be safe we can't let anyone in to help us.
This thinking may have been okay for a season of your life. I get it, we were just trying to survive our situation. But now, it's time to stop allowing that self-defeating thought pattern to control your life.
Now is the time to renew our mind to the Word of God.
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. (Romans 12:2 TPT)
As we read the Word of God, we discover Jesus came to earth to reconcile us back to the Father. As we join our life union with Him, we find that we are able to come to the Father and ask for what we need.
God is such a good Abba. He is such a loving and caring Father who wants us to come boldly to Him as our source for what we need in life.
As a mama I can't imagine telling my children to not ask me for what they need, let alone be fearful for asking.
As a child of God, you are worthy of being healed and made whole.
You are worthy of coming to the Throne of Grace and laying your request down at the feet of Jesus.
You are worthy to be loved and cared for.
You don't have to do it alone anymore; you have an amazing Abba who is waiting for you to ask.
As we come to Him for our healing, we must be obedient to what He says. He is our Abba, and He knows best. I encourage you to make the quality decision right now that as you continue to seek Him for healing that you will be obedient to the best of your ability.
There is always a blessing on the other side of obedience. Where God is calling you to be obedient, He is revealing where He wants to bless you.
Obedience requires trust.
When you trust in God you will want to be obedient.
Today I encourage you to choose to trust Him for your healing. He knows how to heal you.
Healing is a process. Trust God and trust His process for how He wants to heal you.
We are all on a journey and I promise you when you live in a continual state of obedience to the Lord, He will protect you, bless you and use you for His glory!
God can turn any situation around for your good. You are not disqualified because of your past! In fact, I would dare to say where you were wounded the most is where God wants to use you the most!
When you get on the other side of the Pain and into your Purpose, your ministry will be in that place where you thought you were done in life.
That very place where you thought it was the end of you is where God wants to use you.
Don't give up now. You've come so far.
God still has a plan and purpose for your life.
Get in your prayer closet with the Lord with an open heart ready to receive. I encourage you to have a journal and pen handy to write what He reveals to you (I have journals on Amazon if you need one).
ASK the Lord for His correction, direction and divine revelation.
ASK the Lord for His wisdom and understanding.
ASK Him to show you what you need to do for your healing process.
Whatever He shows you choose to obey and do it. It is for your benefit.
For this we must choose obedience over comfort!
I am obedient to the Lord. I trust in Him to heal me exactly how I need to be healed. I come to my Abba with an open heart ready to receive all He has for me. I trust God with my healing process. I believe my testimony will be used for the glory of God.
I pray for my friends on day 6 of this devotional today Lord and I pray that they would totally and completely trust you with their healing process. I pray that whatever you reveal to them they will be obedient. I pray that they would come to your Throne of Grace and ask for their needs. They don't need to be fearful of asking. I pray that they would have revelation knowledge that they don't need to be in survival mode any longer, that as they come to you for their healing those toxic barriers will be broken in Jesus' name, and they can live in a continual state of peace. I pray that they would know that broken crayons still color and that even though they've been hurt, abused and treated unjustly Lord that you still have a good plan and purpose for their life. I pray that today they would have hope for their future. We praise and thank you in advance for the mighty work you are doing in and through those who are doing this Bible plan. You are such a good Abba. In Jesus' mighty name. Amen.
Sobre este plano

Are you ready to break free from the pain that’s been holding you back and step boldly into your God-given purpose? This 8-step Bible plan will guide you through the journey of healing, restoration, and transformation. With biblical wisdom, practical steps, and encouragement, you’ll learn how to release the weight of your past, embrace God’s promises, and walk confidently in the purpose He has prepared for you. It’s time to trade pain for purpose and live the abundant life you were created for!