Connect With God Through Meditation | 7 Day DevotionalExemplo

It would be absurd to go to war with no gear or weapons, yet this is what happens many times in a spiritual battle. Paul teaches us in Ephesians 6:10-18 that the way we stand against the schemes of the devil is by putting on the whole armor of God, and meditation is connected to every part of this!
God’s Word is truth (John 17:17). His word trains you up in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). It establishes the peace of God that guards your heart and mind (Philippians 4:7). Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, so your faith will increase as you meditate on His Word (Romans 10:17). Salvation is taught and expressed in His Word (Psalm 25:5). Scripture is God-breathed and alive by the Holy Spirit, so when you meditate on His words, you are wielding the sword of the Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Not only does God’s armor protect you, but it equips you to fight for others. At the time of Paul’s writing of Ephesians, a Roman soldier’s shield was very tall and used defensively and offensively. Soldiers could group up their shields to create a larger enclosure around them. This helped protect every side of them. As Christians, this is a picture of our faith, as we partner together for the betterment of each other.
Imagine each verse, each victorious concept, every promise of God, every truth, and every revelation as a unique, specially designed weapon that you carry, available to you whenever you need it.
Lord, thank You for Your Word that is my spiritual armor. Holy Spirit, teach me how to rightly divide and use Your Word as a weapon for Your will. Train me how to put on the whole armor of God as I meditate on Your Word, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Meditate on the Armor of God passage found in Ephesians 6, and put it on daily!
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There is only one way to God and it's through Jesus. But in Jesus, there are many ways to connect with God. One way is through meditation. Meditation is when you intentionally focus on His Word, digest it, and allow it to become alive in you. Through this 7-day devotional, our goal is that you would walk away understanding the importance of meditation and how you can make meditating on God and His Word a habitual lifestyle.