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Worship, War, and Wisdom: Church Planting Lessons From DavidExemplo

Worship, War, and Wisdom: Church Planting Lessons From David

Dia 7 de 7

I don’t think there is a more important quality in church planting than courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is action despite fear. It’s stepping out in the face of real trembling and doing something brave day after day.

What will we do for income the first few years? It doesn’t seem very stable. What if people don’t come? What if people din on’t come this Sunday? Can this even be healthy for family life? The fears can come in rapid succession. Sometimes, well-meaning friends and family members compound our worst anxieties by speaking these criticisms out loud.

And yet, I am continually amazed when I meet church planters. They are positive, forward-thinking, innovative, sacrificial in their living, and always courageous. They are aware of the risks, yet full of faith, foolish enough to believe that somehow, God will make a way. While I am distraught by the fear that has overtaken the world and the Church, I am heartened when I see the courage of our church planters.

A common theme in David’s writing is asking God for courage. He doesn’t always ask for courage directly. More often, he asks for an array of needs that all together enable him to act courageously. He exalts the Lord, reminding himself of how worthy the Lord is and why he should follow him. Over and over, he reiterates the Lord’s ability to deliver him. He lays out a vision for what a just and righteous world can look like.

This pattern is replicated many times throughout the Psalms. It gives us a roadmap for how to approach God when we must confront real fear with action. livesWhen you face insurmountable challenges, be honest with the Lord. Ask for what you need. Remind your soul of what He has done in the past. Declare His greatness and speak life over the vision of what can be. As the Holy Spirit empowers you, step out bravely to fulfill what the Lord has called you to do!

Dia 6

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Worship, War, and Wisdom: Church Planting Lessons From David

Church planting is not for the faint of heart. Each planter juggles a dozen different roles–recruiter and fundraiser, janitor and drummer, visionary and scheduler, just to name a few. This is often on top of our role with our spouse and children at home. How do we keep all the plates in the air, and continually walk closely with the Lord? We’re going to spend the next seven days looking at the prayers of David and his writings. These seven qualities of his prayers are interwoven together throughout each psalm.
