The Cost of the KingdomExemplo

• The problem was not this young man’s riches, but the fact that his heart was tied to his riches. The citizens of the Kingdom have completely given their hearts to JESUS.
• By asking him to sell everything he had, JESUS actually asked him to strip the riches he so cherished from his heart.
• There is a struggle in the heart of a rich man: which comes first, JESUS or my riches?
• Thus, JESUS tells the disciples that the rich will have great problems reaching the Kingdom and that their hearts are too attached to their wealth. Yet, nothing is impossible for God, not even redeeming a rich man.
Seeing into the inner heart of this rich young man, JESUS sees that the man does not look as good on the inside as he does on the outside. The man states that he carefully follows the commandments; however, the commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart was the first one he broke because a big part of his heart belonged to his wealth.
Again, we observe that JESUS looks at a person’s heart when they come to Him. From the people’s point of view or from the disciples’ point of view, this young man was perfect for THE KINGDOM, because people usually look at what the eyes can see; from JESUS’ point of view, however, this young man was far away from THE KINGDOM, as his heart was tied to his earthly wealth. The price JESUS asks of him for entry into the Kingdom is simply to give God what he loves the most, that which he holds dearest in his heart. Thus, when he was given the choice between his wealth and the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, he did not stop to consider it but left immediately. JESUS’ conclusion on the salvation of the rich is shocking to the disciples, but JESUS says that God can still save even a rich man like him. Generally, very rich people who have returned to God have managed to take this step only after losing everything.
God gives earthly blessings in abundance to those who first seek the Kingdom and righteousness, and only when these blessings do not endanger their soul; however, to make it your goal to line your path to the Kingdom with riches is absolutely contrary to the teaching of JESUS. It is better to be poor and saved than rich and lost.