A Season of WaitingExemplo

Celebrating our Redemption
Hiding away in my room, too ashamed to venture out and face my parents. The night before, in an attempt to fit in with my peers, I got drunk, and my parents were called to collect me and take me home. Eventually, I mustered the courage to venture out. I sheepishly approached my dad and offered my feeble apology and expressed my deep shame. ‘Oh darling, there’s no room for shame in God’s kingdom.’
Thankfully, God doesn’t rely on our righteousness. The prophecy in Jeremiah 33:16 culminates with a profound declaration: ‘The Lord Our Righteous Savior.’ In our world, there’s often an unrelenting pressure to perform, to be perfect, and to earn our worth. Yet, this scripture reminds us that our righteousness is not based on our actions or achievements but is a gift given to us by God through Jesus. Christ’s righteousness is imputed to us, meaning that when God looks at us, He sees the perfection of His Son. This truth means we no longer need to strive to earn God’s favour or hide away from Him when we fail. Instead, we can rest in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. This advent we can celebrate the fulfillment of so many prophecies in the birth of Jesus; and the fulfillment of our redemption, resting in the truth that we are forever secure in God’s love, not because of what we’ve done, but because of who Jesus is.
Written by Bek Robinson
Sobre este plano

“The original definition of advent was used to describe the preparation time to welcome the arrival of a person or event of significance. For Christians, it is a time to prepare to remember the birth of Jesus as our saving one (Messiah).” (What Is Advent? Kath Henry). As we approach Christmas & the New Year, read along with this plan and focus your hearts back on Him.