Rejoice: Celebrating the Season of AdventExemplo

John’s Ministry
Read: Luke 1:76-77; John 1:19-37; John 3:22-30
SOAP: John 3:27
“John replied, “No one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from heaven.”
Into the Text
Zechariah rightly understood that his son was not the promised king. When he praised God in song, he did it in front of all those gathered for the circumcision of his own son, John. And yet, most of his song was about the coming of Jesus. It was only in two verses that Zechariah actually mentions his son’s ministry. He repeated what the angel had said John would do: he was going to be the promised forerunner to the Messiah, preparing people’s hearts for the actual King.
We see in John’s ministry later on that he was faithful to God’s calling. Even though he was well known in all of Israel, respected and with a large following, he made sure to tell his listeners that he was not the Messiah. He said that Jesus was so much greater than him that he was not even worthy to untie His sandals.
John’s testimony was so effective that most people - even some of his own disciples - gradually left him, gathering around Jesus instead. While he had once been surrounded by large crowds, life became more and more quiet for John. Eventually, he would end up in prison, alone and forgotten by most.
Was John’s life a failure? Not at all. He had pointed people to Jesus. He had learned what it meant to die to himself, his popularity, his influence, and his ambitions in order to glorify Jesus. The only thing that counted for him was to fulfill God’s calling on his life, even if that meant fading away into obscurity.
It’s good to remember that it is God who decides what ministry He will give to each of His children. We need to let Him show us where He wants us to serve Him. If we’re honest, it’s not easy to say “yes, Lord” when He only gives us a small ministry, especially when we have something so much “bigger” and “more important” in mind. There may even be times when we wonder if God has forgotten about us. Even in those difficult moments, let’s not forget that “dying to self” is part of God’s purifying work in His children. In the end, a life of making Jesus greater than ourselves is more fruitful and fulfilling than anything else.
Jesus, you know how often I seek my own honor rather than yours. Please forgive me and help me to live for your glory alone. Amen.
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Rejoice! Immanuel- God with US! The very first songs about the birth of our Savior were recorded in the Gospel of Luke and were sung by 1st-century Jews: Mary, Zechariah, Simeon, as well as a stunning angelic choir whose sound must have been out of this world! Join us as we prepare for the celebration of our Savior and dive into God's Word about why we can REJOICE!