Rejoice: Celebrating the Season of AdventExemplo

Week 2 Reflection Questions:
- When have you experienced Jesus as the comforter? How has He restored your broken heart in the past?
- Why do we need the help of the Holy Spirit in order to understand the Bible? How have you seen the Holy Spirit illuminate God’s Word in your life?
- What is true faith? What does it mean for you to “fix [your] eyes on Jesus?”
- Where is God asking you to take the message of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ?
- Do you find it hard to tell others about Jesus being the only way to God? Why or why not? Why is it crucial to speak about Jesus being the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)?
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Rejoice! Immanuel- God with US! The very first songs about the birth of our Savior were recorded in the Gospel of Luke and were sung by 1st-century Jews: Mary, Zechariah, Simeon, as well as a stunning angelic choir whose sound must have been out of this world! Join us as we prepare for the celebration of our Savior and dive into God's Word about why we can REJOICE!