Devotions for Deconstructors, Disciples, & Doubters by Dr. Jason Lee McKinneyExemplo

Day Two: The Plan Was Love
"Creation discloses a power that baffles our minds and beggars our speech. We are enamored and enchanted by God's power. We stutter and stammer about God's holiness. We tremble before God's majesty . . . and yet, we grow squeamish and skittish before God's love." - Brennan Manning
How could anything rightly be said about love if you were forgotten. God of love, from whom all love comes in heaven and on earth; You who held nothing back but did give everything in love; You who are love, so the lover is only what he is through being in you." - Soren Kierkegaard
Listen to "Without End" by the Jason Lee McKinney Band to supplement today's reading.
If we trust our senses at all, we know that existence does in fact exist. Even though we are all limited in that we are each one person with one perspective, we have a shared world we live in. That there is existence does not tend to bother us, but why existence exists tends to be a different story. What does it all mean is a question that humans have asked since we could ask questions? Why did God create at all? For what purpose?
Paul tells us in Ephesians the reasons God chose to create. First God chose to create so his great wisdom would be known not just by humans but all creation (v.9-10). God created to demonstrate his wisdom. Now to clarify, God did not need to be known. God has no need, but he wanted to be known. Second, God wanted not only to create humans but made a way to draw us close. This could only be done through Jesus and his death and resurrection (v.11) God chose to create free beings with free will which always leaves the potential for sin. Jesus was the way to reconcile God's great gift of free will to humans with his desire for us to be close to him. God created to be known. Finally, God created to be glorified and for those who give their lives to be glorified in him (v.13). God created to be glorified and to glorify through the reconciling grace of the good news (v.7).
God created for the purpose of demonstrating his wisdom, to be known, and to be glorified by reconciling us to him. All these purposes funnel into this; God created because he is love and he loves us so much. For God loved the world in this way, that he gave his only son (John 3:16). Existence exists so that God can love us and have relationship with us. This is possible through the unlimited riches of the good news.
Father in heaven, thank you for your love. Help me to become so boldly comfortable in knowing you created with the purpose of loving me that it is absolute synonymous with my identity. I am the beloved. Lord, may knowing that I am the beloved make me ever more bold and comfortable making your name known in the world around me. Father, thank you for the grace and gift of my free will even when I freely choose my will over yours. Help me recognize the choice as a gift of your grace. Jesus thank you for your obedience to the Father in coming to earth to reconcile me a sinner to you. Jesus thank you for the unlimited riches you give to me. Holy Spirit strengthen me and guide me to choose holiness and righteousness when exercising my free choices. Father, may I seek to seek your wisdom in all creation, in existence itself and through your holy word. Help me to know you and to be known by you. May my life bring you glory, and may I glory in you in every circumstance. In Jesus' name. Amen.
This devotion is an excerpt from Dr. Jason Lee McKinney's devotional book, Devotions for Deconstructors, Disciples, and Doubters,and based on his book, Deconstructing a Disciple's Doubt.
The accompanying music comes from Jason Lee McKinney Band's album One Last Thing.
Sobre este plano

This plan is not for the settled and the steady and secure in their faith, or for the atheist. This plan is for doubting Thomases and denying Peters. For the believer who does not understand why things appear as they are. For the believer who isn't sure if they can keep believing yet still longs to know Jesus better.