Hurry Up and Wait: Six Days of Joy in the MeantimeExemplo

Keeping Confidence...
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise...
Hebrews 10:35-36
While in a waiting season, it is oh-so tempting to abandon the ship, give up hope, or call it quits.
Yes, honestly, this might be true for circumstances, things, or people that were never the Lord’s intention for us in the first place. Or possibly, He has made a promise to us, but we need to hold it lightly in surrender instead of grasping it so tightly that it has become an idol in our life and more important than He is to us. We will discover our Father’s will regarding these things as we surrender them to Him.
Nevertheless, when the Holy Spirit has spoken to us clearly about a future desire or promise He is giving us—that will always align with His written Word—we can be confident in our waiting.
To keep faith, we must fasten our eyes upon the Lord Jesus. Similar to Peter stepping out of the boat to walk on water, the minute we lose sight of Him and our circumstances appear to be drowning our hope of fulfillment for our dream or promise, we must instead ruthlessly look to Jesus and trust Him.
When I sensed the Lord speaking to me that I would be healed of stage 4 incurable cancer and it returned the third time, I had to run back to Jesus to ensure I had heard Him correctly. Holding healing lightly—not demanding that He heal me—then hearing His reassurance made all the difference in experiencing joy instead of despair. And I was miraculously healed—as documented by a major healthcare organization’s oncology and pathology departments.
Make no mistake. Whatever your current circumstances are, God is working on your behalf. What and how He works is up to Him and not us. Not only is nothing impossible for Him, but it is also impossible for Him to do nothing for your sake.* He loves you too much.
Remember that what He is bringing into fruition for you may involve over a thousand puzzle pieces of moving people, circumstances, or things into position. He has perfect timing, and He isn’t bound by time, even though we may be counting every second.
We must always realize that our Father has an eternal perspective that we simply don’t have. Let’s not abandon our confidence in what He has said He will do.
Let’s pray about this...
Dear Heavenly Father, I rest in You today. Once again, I remember the words You have spoken to me in promise. I wait for Your perfect timing. I pray for Your felt presence and power through the Holy Spirit to stay strong in You, looking for what You are doing today and trusting in Your love for me. In the Name Above All Names, King Jesus. Amen!
*Courtesy of Maureen Broderson.
Sobre este plano

We’ve all been there, done that. We’ve all waited in long lines heading nowhere fast. Waited for an event, promise, or person to come into view that we had been tarrying for. However, what if Jesus considers our meantime an opportunity for the Holy Spirit’s presence, power, and joy to be realized in our lives? He does. Let’s be encouraged from His Word, then hurry up and wait!