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Godly Self-CareExemplo

Godly Self-Care

Dia 4 de 7

Develop Your Spiritual Care Plan

As I was writing this section about self-care, the Lord nudged me to think about how often I have felt overwhelmed and disorganized. So, I took a sheet of paper that was already broken down during the weekdays, and time slots for a week. Then I wrote down everything I had on my schedule and tasks I needed to do. Next, I looked at the necessary things I had scheduled and found more free time or open spots than I thought. This in turn, made me feel less overwhelmed and suffocated. Plus, I was also able to see how I could organize and make use of my time more effectively. Assessing which areas may need more attention and care is simple yet powerful.

So, let’s do this together. Assess your schedule. Make a list of the different parts of your life and major activities that you engage in each day. Work, school, relationships, and family are some things you might write on your list. Then make a list of things you think you should be doing but aren’t. Think about your choices and what to eliminate so that you can have a few open times to do nothing. Now make a list of things that give you joy. For example, it would be a goal to do something that makes your heart sing, like writing, drawing, reading, or crafting. Brainstorming self-care activities will help align your preferences, interests, and needs. It's essential to set realistic expectations to avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.

Next, consider your stressors. Think about the aspects of these areas that cause stress and consider some ways you might address that stress. Look at activities that you can delegate to someone else. Plan for challenges. When you discover that you're neglecting a certain aspect of your life, create a plan for change. Take small steps. You don't have to tackle everything all at once. Identify one small step you can take to begin caring for yourself better. The demands of your daily life can dictate what type of self-care you might need the most. Remember, every decision that we make to protect ourselves from the things that add to our stress is part of caring for ourselves.

It’s important to care for your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs when it comes to self-care. It’s all a part of how God made you.

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Godly Self-Care

We live in a society that glorifies productivity and self-care. Have you found yourself exhausted or with nothing left at the end of the day? This endless process of production leaves no margin for rest. If the shadow of guilt and shame have cast heavy clouds of darkness over you or if you’re overwhelmed and your soul feels empty, there is a better way.
