Hope That EnduresExemplo

When the Way is Dark
In the midst of days when it feels like your world has fallen apart, have you ever doubted you’d get through it? Have you wondered if life would ever be good or normal again? I’ll be honest. In some of my darkest trials, there have been moments when I had those doubts. There weren’t even any pinpricks of light at the end of the tunnel, just day after day of darkness.
But dark times in our lives are necessary, dear friend. It takes dark nights to bring us to bright days. It takes the dark of night for plants to germinate and grow. It takes the dark of night for us to see the stars shine. And it takes the dark nights (our difficult times) for us to grow as Christians.
Without the times of testing, we’d stay soft, immature, and without depth. We’d just know God on a surface level. I love what it says in Job 42:5. After all Job had been through, after all his pain and suffering, here’s what he says: “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.”
The time of testing—the heartache and financial devastation from losing his oxen and donkeys, his sheep, his camels, his servants, and even all his children—led Job from a surface level of faith where he’d heard about God to a place where he’d truly seen Him. Job finally knew God in an intimate way.
Whenever the dark times of life arrive, look for the light of Jesus. I promise you’ll find Him there. And the good news? He promises that joy comes in the morning.
There have been many occasions when I fought and grumbled my way through the dark periods God has sent me. When I asked why I had to go through those times. When I begged Him for deliverance. At times I even railed at Him and said, “Where are You? Do You even care?”
But I finally have learned to ask, “God, what do You want me to learn from these difficult times?” Because I’ve discovered that none of our life experiences go to waste. God has a purpose for all of them.
Maybe today would be a good time for you to ask that same question, “God, what do You want me to learn from this?” Perhaps God is drawing you back to Him if you’ve wandered away. Maybe you’ve never even confessed your wrongdoing and invited Jesus into your life, and this is His way of tenderizing your heart so you’ll come to Him.
Perhaps God is teaching you lessons to make you strong in your faith. Or so you can comfort someone else who is going through hard times. Or so you can learn the heart and character of Jesus in a way you wouldn’t have known otherwise.
Whenever the dark times of life arrive, look for the light of Jesus. I promise you’ll find Him there. And the good news? He promises that joy comes in the morning.
Father, my days are filled with darkness. During the good times, I never imagined that I could ever experience such deep and overwhelming pain. The future looks bleak and hopeless. But I know that You have a purpose for everything, so show me what You want me to learn from this situation. Use these moments to give me a more intimate relationship with You—to know Your heart in a way that I never have before. Help me to come out of this time with my faith strong and sure. Amen.
Reflection Questions
1. Why are dark times necessary in the life of a Christian?
2. What have you learned about God during dark times?
3. How can tests in your life become part of your testimony?
Reach the World Around You
Set aside some extra prayer time each week to spend time with God on behalf of your friends and loved ones who are going through difficult situations. Send them a note each time you pray to let them know you are praying for them. Ask if they have specific requests that you can pray about. Your prayers will mean so much to them.
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Our hope is tested daily, but as Christians we know our hope is sure and built on the rock of Jesus. These devotionals share stories of everyday people and their hope in the truth of God and His word amidst the challenges life presents.