Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right NowExemplo

Relationship Status
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.
If you’ve been single for any length of time, you’ve likely been bombarded with questions like “How’s dating going?” “Anyone new you’ve been seeing?” or, the straight to the point, “Do you have a new boyfriend?” While friends and family who ask these types of questions are usually well-meaning, depending on how you’re feeling about your relationship status, it can be awkward, frustrating, and disappointing to navigate this type of small talk. When these conversations arise, it’s helpful to remember that sometimes other people just don’t know what else to ask. For many, a dating or marriage relationship is the biggest thing that can happen in life. Maybe your priorities are different, maybe you feel called to invest elsewhere right now, or maybe it simply bums you out to be asked about your relationship status on a near-daily basis. Well, in case you haven’t heard in a while, you are so much more than your relationship status.
God doesn’t look at you and see a single person in need of a partner. Far from it! He sees you as His beloved daughter, created by Him and loved just as you are. In fact, it isn’t as if God has to overlook your relationship status in order to accept you. He doesn’t consider your singleness a negative in any way because He planned out your life this way! Your passions, your purpose, and, yes, your singleness are all a part of His perfect plan for this one wild and crazy life. Even if others don’t understand your feelings about singleness, even if you don’t understand why you’ve found yourself in this season, you can trust the Lord as He guides you through it. He will never let you down. And next time your aunt asks about your dating status, remind yourself that you are on the path God has laid out for you, and it is good. You don’t need to understand His plan to trust that it will be beautiful.
Right Now Reminder:
Your relationship status does not determine your worth. Never has, never will.
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Single and Not Sorry: Devotions of Real Encouragement for Right Now provides you with inspiration from God’s Word about living according to God’s purpose and plan regardless of your relationship status. Our true value is found in Christ alone — and through this plan, you will be able to confidently appreciate and enjoy exactly where you are in life.