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Seasons of Growth: Nurturing Your Faith Through ChangeExemplo

Seasons of Growth: Nurturing Your Faith Through Change

Dia 1 de 3

Day 1: God is all we need in the season of the unknown.

Biblical Focus: Abraham in Genesis 12 and Genesis 22


Life presents many changes and transitions that often leave us wondering, "What's next?" We do our best to predict the future and prepare, but we often find that our future is opaque with an infinite list of uncertainties. For many of us who enjoy solving complex problems, this feeling of uncertainty or not knowing what's to come makes us feel uneasy, anxious, fearful, and even distraught at times. To say that the season of the unknown is an “uncomfortable” place would be an understatement. The season of the unknown is neither a destination we can simply avoid nor is it a phenomenon that occurs at a set time in our lives. Whether due to our personal decisions or circumstances outside of our control, it just happens.

Both of us have experienced this season numerous times as we've made several dramatic life changes accompanied by moving to a new location. During these moves, we've gained and lost good friends, changed jobs, downsized (or upsized), and adjusted to whatever city we've found ourselves in. With all the change, it's easy to retrospectively see all the people, things, and "ideal" circumstances that we lost or gave up. However, when we take another look with perspective, we recognize God's will at work in our lives.


Abraham is an excellent example of a leader who demonstrated faith in uncertainty. In the book of Genesis, Abraham (initially called Abram) received a divine call from God to leave his homeland and journey to a place God promised to show him (Genesis‬ 12:1).

Abraham trusted God's plan, even though he didn't know the exact destination or what lay ahead. He left behind the familiar, his family, and his home, stepping into an uncertain future based solely on God's promise. Abraham encountered various challenges and uncertainties throughout his journey, but he continued to trust in God's faithfulness and guidance.

Like Abraham, neither of us ever imagined living in places like New York City or San Diego, CA as we pursued our separate endeavors. To move from where we met almost two decades ago (Bernice, Louisiana–a town with no traffic lights) to New York City or San Diego is to experience life on opposite ends of the spectrum. It's in these contrasting moments that we realize God has been our constant in an ever-changing world. We've continued to grow in our personal and professional lives as we've learned to trust that God will guide us and provide everything we need (Philippians 4:19), so we have no reason to fear!

The Lord promised in Psalms‬ ‭32:8‬ ‭NLT‬ that "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

We've often discussed how "the Light" is guiding us through dark times, but let's pause to truly reflect on the words God is speaking in this verse. Not only is He illuminating our paths as He guides us (Psalms 119:105), God is "advising" AND "watching over" us. That means that no matter the circumstance, conversation, confrontation, decision, or otherwise, God will give us the advice we need before we proceed. Seasons change, but God remains the same (Psalms 102:27).

Our job is to:

  1. Remain connected to Him and diligently search His Word for guidance.
  2. Be open to hear His voice, even when it isn't what you want to hear.
  3. Avoid an overreliance on people–including those closest to you–to meet your needs and get you to where you need to be.
  4. Apply what He's told you. Follow that undeniable "gut" or intuitive feeling.

But wait, there's more! God didn't stop after saying He will advise us; He continued by saying He will watch over us. In the military, leaders establish overwatch positions to protect troops from dangers they cannot see from their vantage point. Ideally, the troops in overwatch will have a comprehensive view of the area of operations to identify and mitigate the hazard before the troops traversing the path approach the dangerous situation. This is a protection mechanism used to allow the ground troops to focus on their immediate surroundings and ultimately achieve the objective. Overwatch becomes even more important when troops are most exposed, during transition periods.

Metaphorically, this is how God watches over us. We have faith as He guides and advises us along the unknown path, but the "unknown" aspect of the transition innately creates fear, worry, anxiety, and doubt. Genesis 22 perfectly illustrates obedience and overwatch as Abraham was willing to sacrifice the son he had waited for his entire life in submission to God's plan. As Abraham raised the knife to slay his son, God provided an alternate means of offering– reinforcing the fact that He is keeping a watchful eye on us and that He will provide even in the midst of difficult situations.

As believers, we must take solace in the fact that God is protecting us in our most vulnerable and exposed states. He's watching over us and mitigating seen and unseen dangers (Psalms 91:1-16). That's why we must trust the God who remains consistent regardless of where we are in life. We may not know, but we know the One who does.

Seasons change.

The unknown is scary.

But God is all we need!


Father, thank You for being our light, advisor, and protector. Your omnipresence gives us the confidence we need to conquer any circumstance, and Your unwavering devotion to us causes us to thrive in any season. Please give us the strength and wherewithal to recognize Your hand at work in our current season. We give You all the praise, honor, and glory. Amen.

Continue the Discussion:

  1. In what ways did Abraham demonstrate faith in uncertainty? How can you apply those lessons in your life?
  2. What does it mean to trust God's plan? Have you considered what God's plan is for your life?
Dia 2

Sobre este plano

Seasons of Growth: Nurturing Your Faith Through Change

Welcome to your new season! We designed this Bible plan to explore the various seasons of life and how they impact our faith journey. Let's learn how to embrace change, overcome challenges, and nurture a resilient faith through every season!
