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Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's ProphecyExemplo

Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

Dia 11 de 27

Mighty God

Kelli Baker

Advent Series 2023

Day Eleven

Could you imagine living in Mary’s day? How would you perceive her if she claimed she was a virgin? The Gospels give a beautiful depiction of how Jesus came to this earth. Mary conceived him before she had been with Joseph. Of course this would stir up the gossiping ears, so an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph to assure him that the baby was indeed conceived from the Holy Spirit. Only by the might and power of God could a child be conceived in such a way.

When Gabriel explained to Mary the magnitude of carrying Jesus, he told her God will give him the throne of his father David. This would have been significant to Mary. She grew up learning about the great king David and how God promised to establish a kingdom from his offspring. The news must have been surprising as it would be fulfilled through her.

Jesus proved himself as Mighty God when he entered the world.

The Messiah came to this world humbly as a baby. He was born of a virgin. No other man had been born to a woman who had never been with a man. He gave up his divine privileges and humbled himself as he came as a human. All because he knew that in order for God’s people to be forgiven of their sins, he must come to save them and cover them. Only a Mighty God would do such a beautiful thing.

Do you truly believe that your sins are forgiven by our Mighty God or do you walk from a place of shame or guilt for the mistakes you have made? Trust that you are made clean. Your sins are forgiven and you are made holy and blameless in the Lord’s sight. Give our Mighty God the glory.


Dear Lord, thank you for sending Jesus as a humble baby to show the world your power. Help us to see the beauty and power of the birth into a manger. Amen.

Dia 10Dia 12

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Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

An Advent journey of faith and strength for Christian military women as we look to Isaiah's prophecy of the coming Savior. We have access to the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. In preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we will examine how Jesus fulfilled each of the names Isaiah prophesied.
