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Healing From a Past of Sexual SinExemplo

Healing From a Past of Sexual Sin

Dia 5 de 5

New Creation

My accuser was rebuked. My filthy clothes (sin, old self, shame, guilt) were taken away from me. I was clothed in fine garments (new self; clothed with Christ).

If you ever feel unworthy because of your past; if you ever hear the accuser remind you of your past, saying that is you now, declare the truth!

When Joshua was before the Lord, and the accuser was at his side to accuse him (in Zechariah 3), the Lord said to satan: “The Lord rebuke you, satan!“ If you find yourself in a similar situation, feeling powerless under satan’s lies, declare God’s Word. It’s like saying, “Nope! I know the truth!” - nothing shuts up a lie like knowing the truth unshakably in your core.


  • If I am in Christ, there is no condemnation for me. (Romans 8:1)
  • If I am in Christ, all my sins are forgiven. God canceled the charge of my legal indebtedness which stood against me and condemned me. He took it away and nailed it to the cross. (Col 2:13-15)
  • In Christ, God sees me as holy, without blemish and free from accusation. (from Col 1:22)
  • No matter what your sexual past is, all who believe are given righteousness through faith in Jesus. All who believe are justified freely by His grace. (Romans 3:22-24)

No stains. New.

Not powerless against memories. New.

Not chained to old ways. New.

Not missing anything. Whole. New.

Talk with Jesus

As you read today’s verses, bring these questions to Jesus and talk with Him about them.

  • Are there any areas where I am not living as a New Creation in Christ? (Behaviors, fantasies and thought life, media I consume, etc.)
  • Is there anything You are asking me to do or to obey from Colossians 3:1-10?

Prayer: Respond to Him as He leads you.

Thanks for completing Part 2 of the PureHeart Challenge. This is just the beginning! If this has been helpful and you want more, please continue on to Plan 3 of the 5-plan series. Is there anyone God is showing you to do these plans together with?

Plan 1- Sex & Sexuality - God’s Ways vs. The World’s Ways

Plan 2- Healing From A Past Of Sexual Sin

Plan 3- Honoring God With Our Sexuality In Singleness

Plan 4- Dealing With Temptation

Plan 5- Satisfied

These YouVersion plans are excerpts from the 55 Day PureHeart Challenge.

LADIES, if you want to go deeper into these topics, invite a friend and register today! The plans on Youversion have been adapted for both women and men, but the 55 Day Challenge is specifically for women. You can find the link for this and our other resources here: onfire.jp/en/pureheartjapan

We would love to hear from you! Please take a moment to fill out our Feedback Form.

Dia 4

Sobre este plano

Healing From a Past of Sexual Sin

Jesus has made the way for COMPLETE forgiveness, healing, cleansing, and freedom from any past. Hear testimony of this freedom, and receive it for yourself. In Christ, we are New Creations - the old has gone, and the new has come! This is PART 2 of the PureHeart Challenge – a 5-Part Bible Plan for men and women on the topic of sexuality and purity.
