Through the Desert: A Study on God's FaithfulnessExemplo
The Ultimate Promise
What about when failure rears its ugly head? What happens when the desert we are in is one of temptation—and we feel all alone?
Most of us act as if our victory depends on us. If we could just get it right, God will finally be pleased. If we could just make it a day without sinning, everything will be all right.
But we can’t get it right. We can’t live perfectly. Only Jesus can. As we’ve been exploring this week, it’s not our own valiant efforts that will save us in the desert. It’s God’s faithfulness to us, despite our failure, that will.
Jesus’ victory over Satan broke the power of sin for us. He fought the evil one on our
behalf. He defeated sin and the law on our behalf. Because of His victory, we stand victorious
today too.
Galatians 3:16 powerfully summarizes this truth: “The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say ‘and to seeds,’ meaning many people, but ‘and to your seed,’ meaning one person, who is Christ.”
We have the power of Christ in us, not because we have earned it or have proven ourselves able to stand victorious over sin, but because of what Jesus has done on our behalf. Because Jesus conquered the evil one, the power of sin has been broken—even in the desert.
God’s love for us is incredible.
It’s this love that called Abraham out of Haran into the unknown wilderness.
It’s this love that heard the groaning of God’s people in their bondage and delivered them from Egypt.
It’s this love that led the people of Israel straight to the wilderness to help them get stronger.
It’s this love that remained true to His promises despite the hardness of His people.
It’s this love that caused Jesus to humble Himself and be born as a human.
It’s this love that hung on a tree, wounded and pierced for our transgressions.
It’s this love that finds us in our desert places when we’re covered with the shame of our own recurring failures.
It’s this love that leads to God’s abundant and unchanging faithfulness.
Is it easier for you to feel God’s love for you when you offer Him your perfect behavior? How does today’s devotion free you from this idea?
Sobre este plano
Faithfulness is one of the most reassuring attributes about God. Yet when we are feeling spiritually parched, we sometimes wonder if God is still with us. This week, we’re going to explore God’s faithfulness in those desert places. Not only is God with us in difficult seasons, He is committed to strengthening our faith. He’s a God who is that good. He’s a God who is faithful!