New Every Morning: A Study in LamentationsExemplo

What does it say?
The right hand of the Lord came against Jerusalem as His enemy. The prophets’ false messages failed to expose Israel’s sin, leading to their enemies’ gloating in the temple.
What does it mean?
Because God’s people had repeatedly rejected Him, He became their enemy. Prophets had given self-serving messages benefiting their own agendas. Even the temple had become a place of religious ritual and tradition rather than a holy house of worship, so the Lord allowed it to be overrun by Babylonian soldiers. Generations of her enemies had longed for the day they would see Jerusalem destroyed. God’s people finally acknowledged their sins, although it took utter tragedy. Judah called out to the Lord for relief and retribution on her enemies in sorrow and exile.
How should I respond?
We live in a time when the destruction of our culture is the motivating force of some. What would happen if God completely withdrew His hand of protection from our nation? Worse yet, what if He came against us as an enemy? If our country doesn’t look to the Lord, recognizing His blessings, He may allow circumstances that give us nowhere else to turn. To be a friend of God requires obediently responding to the truths revealed in Scripture. Who is in need of hearing that truth? Determine right now to lovingly tell them about Jesus. How will you demonstrate today that you’re God’s friend, not His foe?
Sobre este plano

Most likely written by the prophet Jeremiah, Lamentations is a collection of poems mourning the siege of Jerusalem and the coming exile of Judah. Despite the wickedness of God’s people that led to their captivity, the writer reminds his readers the loyal love and mercy of the Lord are truly new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). Even in deep darkness, God is our portion, our hope, and our salvation.