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Idols and Ideologies

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Diagnosis: The Idol of Lust

Like all the idols, this ideology of lust is a partial account of reality. Culture tells us that sex is the pinnacle of human relationships—that the primary and greatest goal in life is sexual fulfilment or the establishment of sexual identity at the core of the human heart. Both are untrue and driven by lust, the taking of something for pleasure’s sake; both can become the root of idolatry.

The scripture doesn’t place sex on this kind of pedestal. It places great honour and significance on sex, yet it does not become something that is fixated upon or used to achieve something greater. It has a role and a purpose that God created for it, and when it is done in proper context, it is beautiful and can flourish. Conversely, when it is warped and misused it becomes chaotic and can affect people in deeply troubling ways.

There is immense culture pressure from across a variety of places in society, from schools through to the workplace. The idea that sexuality and sexual identity is central to our identity and therefore must be pursued and celebrated at all costs.

Sex and human sexuality are a created good—an icon of a great spiritual reality to be shared in one day by all believers at the marriage supper of the Lamb. But, like any creation, it has a purpose and a function in mind. Both the church and the secular world get things wrong and idolise different aspects of sex and sexuality to their detriment.

The Remedy: Union with Christ

We must intentionally defy indifference. We must identify and return to boldly affirming a biblical view of our bodies, of sex, singleness and marriage. As Christians, first and foremost, we know ourselves as members of the body of Christ, as new creations by the power and work of the Spirit capable of ministering and receiving perfect love.

Body: Our bodies are good. Sexual desires and romantic emotions aren’t sinful or evil—nor should we ever think about them as such. It is the choices we make surrounding these desires that can lead us either away from God’s order to chaos and ultimately destruction, or toward God’s design and flourishing.

Singleness: As a single person, you are in a position where you are able to live out the icon or the signpost of marriage, right here and now. You are a member of the body of Christ, the church. As a member of the church, you are and will participate in the great wedding feast, as the bridegroom (Jesus) returns for his bride (the church).

Marriage: Marriage is also good. It was given as a sacrament (practice) to the church.

We are designed for relationships, to love and be loved. Another way of saying that is to belong. Marriage in and of itself is not the goal; union with Christ is.

Scripture: Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies. - 1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Prayer Point: Lord I pray for your wisdom today in the area of lust. I thank you that you are the Lord over my body and that it is a temple of the Holy Spirit. I pray that I would use my body for your glory and to honour you in all I do.

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Idols and Ideologies

Join us as we journey together to gain a kingdom perspective of the current idols and ideologies of our day. We want to help you grasp a gospel orientation of some of the idols most present in our lives today: self, lust and greed.
