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Radically Rediscovering RestExemplo

Radically Rediscovering Rest

Dia 4 de 7


When was the last time you heard someone talk about rest who wasn’t trying to sell you a mattress? 

The world doesn’t talk about rest because it’s counter cultural to Christian beliefs and there is no money in it. The world wants you to stream more TV, browse online shopping, compare to everyone else, and never be content or grateful with what God has given you. The world wants you to buy, spend, watch, click, like, subscribe, and follow because it makes them money while it leaves you empty.

Rest doesn’t just remind you who God is, but it reminds you of who God says you are. You are valuable, worthy, redeemed, protected, strong, accepted, and more than enough. 

The Hebrew word for Sabbath is Shabbat which means to cease. 

Rest is important because it reminds us to cease and focus on who God is, what God calls us, and where He is calling us next. When we refuse to rest we choose to boast in our own strength and spend time, energy, and even money in places that we were never supposed to.

TAKE ACTION: Rest reminds us of who God is and what He calls us. In our scripture today there are multiple passages reminding us who God says we are. Pick one of those scriptures, and remind yourself daily who God says you are.

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Radically Rediscovering Rest

How has your week been? Busy? Did you work late? Can’t find time for the things you enjoy doing? Maybe even too busy to start a new devotional? Yea, some weeks that’s me too. Let’s take seven days and discover the biblical importance of rest.
