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Slow Down, Show Up & Pray. Wellbeing the Jesus Way. 5 Day Bible Plan With Ruth RiceExemplo

Slow Down, Show Up & Pray. Wellbeing the Jesus Way. 5 Day Bible Plan With Ruth Rice

Dia 2 de 5

Day 2: Jesus' Wellbeing Manifesto

When I hear the word manifesto, it makes me think of politicians and power plays, of promises that may not be kept. So, when the Son of God sets out his manifesto people might have been expecting a 3-point plan to set things right. But what we see in Matthew 5 is breathtaking. Picture the scene with me if you will. Jesus goes up a hill and sits down. This is a signal the rabbi is about to teach. I imagine the disciples getting their notebooks out or whatever the equivalent was, ready to see what the plan was. And then there were all the hangers-on, the great crowds settling in as close as they could. A hush descends and people get ready to hear the names or maybe the categories of those who would be most important in this new kingdom, most blessed by this great teacher. The Greek word Jesus first utters is makarios, blessing: a word used to honour heroes of battle. Who would he honour, who was the most blessed? How would they be asked to earn his favour? 

So, what a shock the list must have been to those early listeners. The religious ones, the do-gooders, the nice folk who tried hard to be even nicer. Jesus blessed the broken, the mourning, the hungry, the poor in spirit. As he looked lovingly around the crowd of followers, I believe he was saying what he saw, not making a list of qualities needed for blessing. As I read this, I see his eyes resting on those who never expected to hear their names, those who thought themselves too wretched, too broken to be noticed and he blessed. Makarios, Makarios. Honour and blessing heaped upon the most unworthy. What sort of manifesto is this?

For me, this is great news. In my own brokenness during a period of mental and emotional turmoil, I read this passage and wept at the wonderful realisation that we cannot earn his favour, we cannot buy this honour. This gospel of wellbeing is not a self-help manual to help us try harder to be well but an utter relief that he sees us, he blesses us: His wellbeing is our bigger story, and it redefines us.

Reflect: Can you picture this scene? Which of Jesus’ blessings stands out to you and why? Take a moment to accept his makarios, his blessing over your life. 


Meditate on Psalm 42:5 “I will put my hope in God.” 

Lord Jesus collector of the broken 

Gather me to your heart 

Count me in 

This manifesto of vulnerability 

Finds me hungry and thirsty for your righteousness too.

I receive your blessing.

Dia 1Dia 3

Sobre este plano

Slow Down, Show Up & Pray. Wellbeing the Jesus Way. 5 Day Bible Plan With Ruth Rice

Taking a look at what the Bible has to say about mental and emotional wellbeing and what Jesus shows us about living with wellbeing practices.
