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Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and GuiltExemplo

Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and Guilt

Dia 18 de 30

Wrong Relationships

“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”
Romans 8:15

Relationships affect everyone whether we’re surrounded by friends and family or locked up in a maximum-security prison cell. We are the way we are today because of the way we were brought up in the context of relationships. 

Before humanity existed, God’s relational trinity got together and decided to create man in their image. Did you see that? Their image. Talk about a close relationship, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were and still are three in one, the holy trinity.  

This is important because it’s the perfect model and the beginning of understanding why we were created in the first place. We were created for a personal relationship. When this is out of alignment with God’s plan, it causes dysfunction and personal pain for us.  

Instead of spinning our wheels pursuing what we’ve failed to achieve on our own since the beginning of time, why not put our sights on Christ? He has, does, and always will meet our needs. Once we gain a level of satisfaction through the love only God provides, the security that’s found in the significance of being a child of God, we will come to understand the source of our lifelong dissatisfaction and pain. It’s within this space that true healing is discovered.

Call To Action 

  1. Write out in detail how you would describe your life’s experience with love. 
  2. Write out in detail how you would describe your life’s experience with security. 
  3. Write out in detail how you would describe your life’s experience with significance. 
  4. Write out in detail how different the world would be had Adam and Eve not fallen for temptation and sinned.


Dia 17Dia 19

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Captive No More: Freedom From Pain, Shame and Guilt

“Suck it up.” Those words empowered and encouraged me as a boy. They injured me as a man. When we talk about pain, we first think of physical pain from injury or accident. There is a masculine, internal block on the notion of our emotions or feelings being hurt. How could they be, we’re men after all!
