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How to Pray & What to Pray for – What the Bible SaysExemplo

How to Pray & What to Pray for – What the Bible Says

Dia 7 de 8

When to Pray: Is There a “Best” Time?

Turning to God in prayer sometimes seems the only choice, especially when complex issues back you into a corner. After all, when all the other options are running out, prayer seems to come easier, doesn’t it?

Prayer is indeed an effective tool at times like that, but that’s not only purpose, is it? The Bible teaches that we should be praying always and about everything:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you.  – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  – Philippians 4:6

Always and about everything? Really?!? How does that work? And, how can that fit into my work day?

More than anything, God wants a relationship with you. Sure, He wants to bless you and prosper you, but more than anything, He wants a relationship with you as His child. Jesus makes it clear in John 15:1-8, and it’s worth looking at the close of that passage more closely:

I am the vine; you are the branches. … If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.  – John 15:5a, 7-8

Jesus’ teaching about you being a branch on the vine is a good picture of what it means to be Christian – connected to God all day long. If you remind yourself of this connection throughout the day, and engage in short prayers throughout the day – before, during or after meetings – then you get the idea of how you might be “praying continually.”

God wants to engage with you all day long. Adding small reminders to speak with Him does not distract from your daily activity – on the contrary, it strengthens it! Engaging with God throughout the day gives perspective, reducing stress and bringing success in a way that bears even more fruit for the Kingdom of God – each and every day!

Of course, relationship with God thrives on short engagements throughout the day. But periods of extended prayer are also needed. Times of communication with your Heavenly Father where you stop everything else and focus on pouring out your heart to Him. Praising Him, enjoying His presence, confessing your shortcomings, seeking His will, asking for His strength, and finding the “so-that” to help build His Kingdom.

Jesus set the example for us by the many times that He went away for extended times of prayer all by Himself. Check out how Jesus left His disciples behind after a particularly successful day with a heavy schedule ahead: 

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”  – Mark 1:35

If Jesus, Son of God, needed time away to strengthen Himself, how much more so for you!

Although Jesus usually selected early morning or late night for prayer, the time of day is not important. What is key is that you make quiet time to meet with God, if not daily then at least weekly. 

And, as you do so, you will be blessed!

Reflection / Application  

  1. What does your prayer life look like? Summarize it in a sentence or two, highlighting the different times & types of prayer you engage in.  
  2. God wants to be present in your life all day long, 24/7. How can you integrate that desire into your daily life? What changes might you make to help make that a reality?  
  3. Even Jesus took dedicated time away from His work to pray – and He was the Son of God! Can you add a quiet time into your schedule to spend with God?
Dia 6Dia 8

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How to Pray & What to Pray for – What the Bible Says

As Christians, we have a special tool in their box of resources called PRAYER. In these readings, we show you how to pray, provide a 4-part structure to effective prayer, and give specific insights on what to pray for and when to pray. Whether you pray regularly or hardly pray at all, these readings will help you unlock the power of prayer for your life.
