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Breakthrough- Find Beauty in the BreakingExemplo

Breakthrough- Find Beauty in the Breaking

Dia 1 de 7


Definition of Breakthrough: “An act or instance of moving through or beyond an obstacle."

What is your mindset of “a beautiful life"? If you could lay it out in a story or picture, what would it entail?  

Without realizing it, we can adopt a fairytale mentality that life should go a certain way.

When we begin to hear ourselves asking questions like, “why is this happening?” or “does God not care that I’m going through this?” it can reveal a layer of entitlement to a life we were never promised in the first place. In fact, Jesus Himself says, “...In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  John 16:33 NIV 

Will you do something with me? I know it might be hard to allow someone to challenge your thinking, especially if you are walking through something painful. But, this is where the healing process began for me when my life went in a completely different direction than I had wanted. Will you step back a minute and take an honest, unbiased look at the entire scope of scripture?  

Since the fall of mankind, the first sin in the garden, our world once intended for an eternity of perfection and relationship with God, became BROKEN. This brokenness of sin's invasion brought the inevitable process of death to all. Just take a closer look at every story, prophet, and hero of the Bible.

Were their lives full of bliss, financial security, comfort and ease? Did they find their true love, fill their homes with beautiful and obedient children and laugh as their fulfilling and joyful pursuits brought them not only accolades, but a hefty retirement plan as well?

Not. Even. Close.  

Although many did live to see incredible blessings, miracles, and walk in the fulness of joy, it’s the exceptionally RARE story that was without obvious trial, heartache, and deep disappointments.

As individuals and as a culture, we need to recognize and make a shift in our “entitlement mentality.”  

Before we can begin to “Find the Beauty” from this imperfect life, we first have to reset the foundation for our expectations of this life.

  • It may take longer to find and marry the man or woman of your dreams. (Jacob + Rachel)           
  • Your desire of finally becoming a mother might take you to more desperate places than you ever thought possible. (Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth)         
  • The undeniable calling on your life that YOU WILL make a legacy-lasting impact, you are set apart to lead, speak or serve God in ministry might be much harder and more painful of a process than you’ve envisioned. (Jeremiah, Stephen, Daniel, Mary, Esther, Moses, Joseph, David, Paul. Every. Single. prophet and disciple. Jesus, God in the flesh, getting the picture? I mean, I could go on…)  

When we change our mindset from what we THINK WE DESERVE or HOW THINGS SHOULD GO to expecting that since we live in a broken and fallen world there will be trouble, sorrow, and obstacles along the way, it changes everything. 

Our BREAKTHROUGH begins when we can acknowledge the difficult, yet with God’s strength, power, and grace, chose to move BEYOND, THROUGH, or PAST the tough stuff. 

Our hope isn’t from a lack of troubles, it’s found in knowing the One who gets us through them.

It’s here, in our most broken places that God meets us in supernatural ways. 

How can we find the beauty in the breaking? Well friends, today this is the first step. 

- Nicole

Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion:        

  1. What is my response when things don’t go the way I’d like them to?        
  2. Which is more prevalent in my life: questioning God, or thanking God?        
  3. Evaluate and discuss if you’ve slipped into an entitlement mindset in any area of your life.


Begin to reset the “Foundation of your Expectations". Write out a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. Commit to saying something < out loud > that you are grateful for EVERY TIME you’re tempted to be negative over the next 7 days.

Dia 2

Sobre este plano

Breakthrough- Find Beauty in the Breaking

Can beauty really come from the ashes in our life? It's easy to miss God's presence when we are walking though the unknown. This plan will challenge us to look beyond our struggles, move forward in faith and equip us to speak hope + victory over one another. Discover invaluable lessons as you endure the refining process. It's here, in our darkest places God meets us like never before.
