God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament JourneyExemplo

A word from God, a burst of light; the world was born. Creation, culminating with the crown of creation, Adam and Eve, was good in God’s eyes.
Created to enjoy close companionship with God, and each other, which they did, their world had no sickness, no pain, no death. They were given complete enjoyment, complete, access - including the tree of life. There was only one tree whose fruit God told them not to touch, lest they die. Created in the image of God, they had a will, a conscience and freedom to choose - to obey, to follow God, or to follow Satan.
It is here that Satan steps in through a wily serpent. He made them desire what:
• They did not need
• Reduced quality of life
• Broke fellowship
• Gave Satan control
• Impacted their loved ones
Adam and Eve chose to fall right into his trap. God, seeing his creation marred, reaches out to them. Rather than owning responsibility, Adam blames Eve, Eve blames Satan – cracks were beginning to show on their relationships.
God pronounces:
• The serpent, (and Satan) was cursed and would crawl on it’s belly. A future descendant of Adam and Eve (Jesus), would one day give Satan a huge destructive blow on his head.
• The woman would bear children in pain; she would desire and be ruled over her husband.
• Man would toil on a ground that was cursed and unproductive. (This curse was later removed).
Banished from the garden forever, with no more access to the tree of life, their world was now oppressed with sin, death, suffering, sickness and pain. Their rule over the world was usurped by Satan who held them captive through sin.
Undoubtedly, man brings in suffering, but why did God allow it? If God destroys sickness and death, He would have to destroy mankind (2 Pet 2:9). In fact He Himself had to suffer death to redeem us.
While God has to pronounce justice on Adam and Eve, in His love He:
• Covered them
• Restored them to the best extent possible
• Planned complete restoration through Jesus
We have choices before us today. Choices embracing life; choices embracing death; Adam and Eve reach out to the wrong tree, missing the tree of life just beside it. Are we missing God’s amazing surprises? What are we reaching out for?
A word from God, a burst of light; the world was born. Creation, culminating with the crown of creation, Adam and Eve, was good in God’s eyes.
Created to enjoy close companionship with God, and each other, which they did, their world had no sickness, no pain, no death. They were given complete enjoyment, complete, access - including the tree of life. There was only one tree whose fruit God told them not to touch, lest they die. Created in the image of God, they had a will, a conscience and freedom to choose - to obey, to follow God, or to follow Satan.
It is here that Satan steps in through a wily serpent. He made them desire what:
• They did not need
• Reduced quality of life
• Broke fellowship
• Gave Satan control
• Impacted their loved ones
Adam and Eve chose to fall right into his trap. God, seeing his creation marred, reaches out to them. Rather than owning responsibility, Adam blames Eve, Eve blames Satan – cracks were beginning to show on their relationships.
God pronounces:
• The serpent, (and Satan) was cursed and would crawl on it’s belly. A future descendant of Adam and Eve (Jesus), would one day give Satan a huge destructive blow on his head.
• The woman would bear children in pain; she would desire and be ruled over her husband.
• Man would toil on a ground that was cursed and unproductive. (This curse was later removed).
Banished from the garden forever, with no more access to the tree of life, their world was now oppressed with sin, death, suffering, sickness and pain. Their rule over the world was usurped by Satan who held them captive through sin.
Undoubtedly, man brings in suffering, but why did God allow it? If God destroys sickness and death, He would have to destroy mankind (2 Pet 2:9). In fact He Himself had to suffer death to redeem us.
While God has to pronounce justice on Adam and Eve, in His love He:
• Covered them
• Restored them to the best extent possible
• Planned complete restoration through Jesus
We have choices before us today. Choices embracing life; choices embracing death; Adam and Eve reach out to the wrong tree, missing the tree of life just beside it. Are we missing God’s amazing surprises? What are we reaching out for?
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In the Old Testament times, God chose people (TOUCHPOINTS), interacting with them in innumerable ways. This, in the light of the New Testament (NT), brings deep perspectives on the Word. GOD’s TOUCHPOINTS has four parts, the first being Old Testament Summary, Patriarchal ages – covering key people and foundations. The sequel is GOD REVEALED – a New Testament Journey. Following the “additional reading” passages provided will take you through the entire bible in both series.