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Devotional On The Life Of MosesExemplo

Devotional On The Life Of Moses

Dia 6 de 7

"Know your authority in God."

When Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh, this king of Egypt made it even harder for the children of Israel. He refused to give them hay and demanded they find and process hay by themselves but their production quota of brick-making per day did not change. This made it not only time consuming but also a greater demand on their energy and work.

Aaron and Moses go before Pharaoh, and the miraculous takes place in his court, with Aaron’s rod becoming a serpent and then consuming the serpents made by witchcraft with Pharaohs magicians.

It was at this time that God began the ten plagues to hit the nation Egypt hard before the Israelites were delivered on the night of the Passover.

When the Lord told Moses ‘See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh’ Moses fully understood the power that idols had over people and how the millions in Egypt submitted and were afraid of their ‘gods’. This means that God gave Moses and authority to be someone of great influence in the nation. So are you!

Today, you have a God-given authority to function in the realm of the Spirit. Just as John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." The Greek word for power here is ‘exousia’ which actually means ‘superhuman potential’. Inside you there is the same potential of God to do His works and see His Kingdom come here on earth. John 14:12, in Jesus’ own words tells us, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

This means you have capacity as well as ability to do exploits in His Name! Now this is the challenge…get up and be who you really are. You are not a clone. You are not somebody else, you are a person who is gifted and blessed by God Himself. There are gifts, talents, and faculties in you that have been dormant and need an awakening.

Today, ask God to stir these things in your spirit. Ask God to use you as never before. Become a person who knows who you are and then go out and let His Kingdom come in your midst.

Dia 5Dia 7

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Devotional On The Life Of Moses

This devotion covers the life of Moses, his struggles and his victories. Emphasis is laid on his intimacy with God and his God - ordained leadership despite his personal ups and downs.I pray His life teaches you how to cope with the pressures of today's world and come out victorious.
