
A Million Ways
“My peace inside surpasses the woes.”
Not everyone in life has your best interest at heart. People you thought were your friends can reveal serious character flaws. Other acquaintances may try to test you and see if you’ll join them and sin, leaving you to make a decision about where to go with that relationship.
Joseph was someone who earnestly feared the Lord. In Genesis 39, he was tempted to sleep with another man’s wife, but he refused because he wanted to honor God. Though he was faithful, he was still betrayed and Potiphar’s wife lied on his name. This led to him going to prison for something he didn’t do.
Though Potiphar’s wife caused destruction in Joseph‘s life, it didn’t stop God‘s plan for Joseph to prosper. He continued to serve the Lord despite his situation. In the end, we see that Joseph became a leader over the land.
You can find encouragement knowing despite the mistreatment you may experience, it does not hinder God from working in your life.
Prayer: God, when I may experience mistreatment in my life, help me to fix my eyes on You rather than the issues. Help me to continue to serve You faithfully and not grow bitter.
Action: Check your heart and see if there are any areas where you have held yourself back from fully serving God and loving others due to previous pain you have experienced. Take steps to forgive and remove any bitterness that may have built a wall in your life.
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A 10-day devotional by Wande, recording artist at Reach Records, going through the different seasons of walking with Christ and how to trust in God through those seasons. Each day is a devotional personally written by Wande to encourage and provide actionable steps to help you walk through those seasons in relationship with God.