Moses – The Making of a LeaderExemplo

Day Eight: God’s Declaration to His People
Thoughts on the Passage
God declares two “I have…” statements.
God promises seven “I will…” statements.
God makes three “I am the Lord” statements.
God said to the people, “I have seen…” and “I have remembered….” God acts because He watches as He remembers His promises.
I love the fact that God gives seven additional promises to the people. These seven new promises both reiterate His old promise, but also gives new meaning, understanding and clarity to these promises. It is a progressive revelation of the plan of God for His people.
Finally, God invokes His covenant name. We cannot underestimate the power of this.
Listen for the voice of God in your spirit when God seems to not keep His promises. He made declarations that show that He remembers His promises. He made promises afresh about how He would keep His previous words. He put His covenant name on the line. He is the same today as He was back then to His people.
Moses heard this – and believed it. He told the people – they could not believe it. Their pain and brokenness were too much. Here we see how God works despite unbelief by the people. Here we see the power of one person believing on behalf of whole group. Here we see God willing to proceed because Moses is prepared to move past unanswered prayers and trust God.
Is there something that God is waiting for from us? Are others waiting for/needing us to move past unanswered prayers and believe God?
Application to our Life
We have a covenant promise from Jesus as well. “Ask the Father in My name…”. What promises do we need to remind God about?
Are brokenness and despair stopping me from hearing what God is saying to me today?
Time to Pray
Father, I am struck by Moses’ faith and his willingness to push past hurt that comes when You do not answer prayer like we think You have promised. I see this need in my own life. I ask whether I have missed Your voice speaking as a result. I want to be like Moses – and it needs to start here.
I need to be able to hear Your voice when everything around me says You are not listening. I ask that You open my ears today. I ask for a heart to receive it despite brokenness or disillusionment. I ask for strength even if others do not see it and receive it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Sobre este plano

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