HEAL - God's Heart for Healing in JohnExemplo

WWJD (What would Jesus do?)
John, of course, being with Jesus continuously throughout His ministry, had first-hand knowledge of Jesus’ pain and suffering. He could have given us a minute-by-minute account of being with Jesus. In today’s reading, we see that as Jesus and the disciples gathered for the evening Passover Meal, John describes Jesus as being in great pain, anguish, and heavily-burdened. The atmosphere had turned somber and everyone could tell that Jesus had really important things to say. Let’s join them at the supper table.
Notwithstanding the great suffering Jesus was experiencing, and the voluminous amount of information He wanted to impart into those at the table with Him, John records the most humbling experience, which we know took place only hours before Jesus was to be crucified.
Despite His pain, and despite knowing what He was soon to face, Scripture says Jesus took the time and energy to get on the floor, on His precious hands and feet, and begin to wash the dirty feet of those with Him. A pin drop would echo as He knelt to the floor. Stop what you’re doing and visualize yourself in the room.
Of course, in those days and in that arid region, foot washing was a daily practice; but, it was the job of a servant/slave, not the Honored Guest. It’s hard to imagine the shock the disciples felt when they realized what Jesus was doing. Even though some protested, He washed the feet of them all, one by one. Then He imparted a mind-blowing attribute of His true identity. He, as our Master, had come to be our “Servant”! He explained to them that we must do as He had done. Serving others was absolutely required. Servanthood is a vital part of being a Christ-follower! Reading this aloud is followed by the echo of a pin drop.
- How could I consider serving someone else’s needs, even though I’m suffering greatly?
- In what way would my service be consistent with being a “Christ-follower”?
- Do I trust Him to meet my needs while I’m meeting the needs of others?
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This 28-day study examines the healing accounts of Jesus in the Gospel of John. How did He heal, who, when, why and what can you learn from Him? Jesus' healing ministry addresses body, soul and spirit. This study may change the way you view healing, and most importantly draw you closer to our Heavenly Father.