UNCOMMEN: BrokenExemplo

Surrender? Is that not what weak men do?
Everything we learn from the world tells us that surrender means losing. Look where you are now. In your thoughts, you have lost the essential part of you, your wife. Good thing that is not true. She never could fill that part of your life. Jesus is the only one who can complete us. First, you must accept Jesus as your Lord and savior. Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”(John 3:3 )
Giving up the control you thought you had will be one of the first steps. Trying to control everything has been what made most of this mess. It does start on your knees. There is no better posture to show our LORD God, that we are ready for Him to take over this mess. Do you want to know what is so great about this? He has been waiting for you this entire time. Cry out to God; He wants you to draw near. He will draw near to you. He knew you would come to Him. He wants to take over. All glory belongs to God. When you come out on the other side, you will see that the Potter transformed you. Surrender is what children of God do. You are a child of God.
New surrender happens every day. You have to discipline yourself to give everything about your life, your mind, and your soul to Jesus. Surrendering will be one of the hardest things you will ever do. But once you have learned this discipline, it will be how you live for Christ Jesus. “Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him.” (Romans 6:8 NIV)
Daily prayer
Heavenly Father teach me how to let go of this life. Show me how to have faith and trust in you. I know that you use all things for my good. I want my will to be in line with your will and purpose for my life. In King Jesus' name, Amen!
Uncommen Challenge: Pray to God about everything, no matter what it is. Rely on Him!
Sobre este plano

Divorce is messy. In the aftermath, relationships with your ex-spouse and children can be tense. We invite you to follow along with this seven-day devotional where we’ll find transformation, healing, and victory in Jesus Christ, even in the aftermath of divorce.