Thru the Gospel of John Exemplo

Breakfast with Jesus.
What do you do when you’re afraid? The disciples hid behind locked doors. But that didn’t stop Jesus from coming to the disciples in His new, glorified body. He showed them the scars on His hands and His side to convince them it was Him, and they were glad. There was a strange similarity of Jesus’ glorified body to the one that had been nailed to the cross. The scars were there, a reminder throughout eternity of what He bore for us so that we can be presented without spot or blemish before God.
But not all the disciples were in the upper room that day. Thomas was missing. When the disciples told him that Jesus had come to them, Thomas didn’t believe them. So, eight days later, the Lord appeared again in a locked room and addressed Thomas’ doubts directly. “Touch my scars; put your hand in my side . . . believe”. Thomas simply said, “My Lord and my God” (20:28)—one of the great confessions of faith in the Bible.
Thomas had to see it to believe it. Jesus then said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (20:29). This is a special blessing on us today who believe the evidence of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Is that you?
John, an eyewitness to Jesus’ life, said the Lord did many other signs not recorded. But what is written is so that we might believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
But we’re not done yet. John 21 is a beautiful epilogue with three more stories, all taking place around the Sea of Galilee, Jesus’ home area.
One of them is about the disciples who are fishing, miraculously catching nothing all night and more than their net could draw when they do what Jesus tells them to.
Then Jesus said, “Come and eat breakfast”. He had a meal fixed for them on the shore. What a wonderful reunion it must have been, there in the place where they spent so much of their lives together. He’s the Lord of their hearts now, and they are going to serve Him.
To end our glorious study in the book of John, we could only wish to know the many other things Jesus did, and read about them in books. But that wouldn’t be possible. The One we’re talking about not only died upon the cross, rose again from the dead, but, my friend, He is God the Creator. The world couldn’t hold the books of all He’s done.
What has Jesus done for you? Feel free to share your story with us. We hope you feel encouraged to keep getting to know Jesus more and continue on your journey of faith.
Question: How can you encourage a friend or family member today?
P.S. We hope this study on the Gospel of John has brought you closer to Jesus. We would like you to reflect on the past 21 days by filling out this survey. As a thank you, you will receive an E-book about the Gospel of John at the end of the survey!
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Come sit at the feet of the last living disciple of Jesus. The Apostle John walked and talked with Jesus and he never forgot it. In your own personal journey, discover new things about Jesus you’ll never forget. Everything John writes is meant to help Jesus’ followers grow in their faith. This is one of the greatest books of the Bible! Experience it for yourself for the next 21 days.