The Christmas Story Through African EyesExemplo

Women in the Bible
From an Africa Study Bible article titled “Women in the Bible”:
Women played an essential role in God’s plan for redemption. God promised that the offspring of the woman would strike the head of the serpent (Genesis 3:15). Mary, the mother of Jesus, fulfilled that prophecy.
Women in the Bible exhibited grace, courage, godliness, intelligence, and hard work in spite of danger and prejudice. Women such as Rebekah, Deborah, Naaman’s servant girl, Esther, Mary of Bethany, the women who supported Jesus, and Priscila are honoured by God and are examples for us.
Jesus’s genealogy (Matthew 1) includes Tamar, a widow who slept with her father-in-law seeking children and relief from shame; Rahab, a prostitute commended for her faith; and Bathsheba, a victim of David’s sins of adultery and murder. Ruth, a loyal and hardworking Moabite, was a foreigner not to “be admitted to the assembly of the Lord,” but she was the grandmother of David (Deuteronomy 23:3). Jesus was descended from reformed sinners and foreigners, women who choose to follow and serve God.
Like in the Bible, women are part of God’s plan for Africa. Africa also has many violated and marginalized women and girls. Jesus showed compassion to such women. Christian men should be taught to see women not as sexual objects or servants but as God’s image bearers (Genesis 1:26-28). Women and men should keep themselves pure. The church that preaches a just God should offer help to the hurting and address the factors that cause the oppression of women.
Women should also be taught the truth that sets us free. Jesus encouraged Mary to learn from him (Luke 10:38-42). African women should be taught to live godly lives and encouraged to pursue education, including theological education. This will empower them to solve problems in our societies.
Half of all Africans are women. Let us not reduce their worth, silence their voices, or stifle their ministry. Let us give them opportunities to build God’s Kingdom on our continent.
Make a list of the women God has placed in your life and in your community. Who might need to be taught the truth? Who might be hurting and need help? What could be done to improve the situation of women and girls in your community? Ask God to show you who you could connect with or a first step you could take to help.
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The shame of barrenness. Diviners. Village obscurity. A child’s naming ceremony. A king’s shocking bloodline. Supernatural dreams. This advent season, fresh African insights illuminate the Bible’s timeless tale. Learn from the continent’s cultures, early theologians, and today’s Christian leaders. Journey through the whole Christmas story, from prophecies about Christ through Matthew, John, and Luke’s nativities. You won’t see the Christmas story the same way again.