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Dia 4 de 9

Day 4: Started From The Bottom

I love the Beatitudes so much. The complete sermon takes up two whole chapters in Matthew, but I want to focus on chapter 5 for the remainder of this plan. Here’s the first verse we’ll look at.

You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. Matthew 5:3

This is a perfect description of every single resident who comes to live at Hope is Alive Ministries. You don't get through drug & alcohol treatment without realizing that you're already at the end of your rope—and that that's a blessing.

One of my favorite HopeDealer stories along these lines is the story of the amazing Shane Daugherty. Check it out on the video for today. Here’s a bit to get you going…

Shane's Story

"I was living in a bedroom piled full of trash, with dirty needles everywhere, and an air mattress. I couldn't care less what happened outside of that room. As long as I was able to get a pill or get high that day, I could lie on that mattress and be totally happy.

"I had nothing. I had pawned everything of value in my life, from guns to computers to tons of iPads, whether or not they were mine. I tried to pawn my car but they wouldn't take it. Everything of value was gone in my life, and that includes relationships with my parents and my siblings. I had several people that I considered good friends who tried to do everything they could to help me, but I did them all wrong.

"I didn't have anything to contribute emotionally, conversationally, anything."

That's the end of your rope. Or, as we call it in this business, "rock bottom."

The thing is: no one really wants to find themselves here, but it's a must. Discovering what is rock bottom for you is crucial to getting your life turned around. So what did Shane's rock bottom look like? What motivated him off that air mattress and into the rest of his life? Watch the video to find out!


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Called out of addiction to a life of hope, Lance Lang shares stories of others with similar callings. They're Hope Dealers.
