Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com MIQUEIAS 5:4

18 Dias
Numa bela prosa, Miquéias exorta os líderes de Israel e Judá a amarem a misericórdia, agirem com justiça e andarem humildemente com Deus. Viaje diariamente por Miquéias enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.

Joy! to Your World! A Countdown to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven’s entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experiences of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias and Elizabeth, the shepherd and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Countdown to Christmas
29 Days
Welcome to Thriving Family's 28-day Advent Activity Calendar! Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the true meaning of Christmas and draw closer together as a family! These parent-child activities have been created to help you keep this Christmas season focused on Christ!