Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com MATEUS 7:12
Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets
5 Days
Your decisions determine the direction and quality of your life. While nobody plans to complicate their life with bad decisions, far too many people have no plan to make good decisions. In this five-day reading plan, you'll discover five game-changing questions to ask every time you make a decision.
Go Do Say Give: The Freedom Of Surrender To Jesus
7 Days
Surrender to Jesus is a life-defining moment. But what does this decision mean and how do we live it each day? Is this only for the big decisions of life, or the super-spiritual person? Fear, previous failures, and misunderstanding can hold us back. "Go Do Say Give" is a pledge/prayer that unpacks how to take the next steps in your spiritual journey. Experience the freedom that comes with following Jesus.
Vive uma Vida com Propósito!
7 Dias
Uma vida alegre e com propósito está alicerçada nos relacionamentos, no amor e na fé. Se procuras mais claridade sobre os planos de Deus para a tua vida, participa neste plano de leitura, que te ajudará na tua busca e descoberta. Plano de leitura tirado do livro “Out of This World: A Christian’s Guide to Growth and Purpose” de David J. Swandt
Chasing Carrots
7 Days
We’re all chasing something. Usually something just out of reach—a better job, a more comfortable home, a perfect family, the approval of others. But isn’t this tiring? Is there a better way? Find out in this new Life.Church Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Chasing Carrots.
Sermão Do Monte
15 Dias
Que tal estudarmos juntas o Sermão do monte? Nele, temos o próprio Deus encarnado a chamar aqueles que O querem seguir a se sentarem aos Seus pés e aprenderem o que significa, de maneira prática, ser um cidadão do Reino de Deus. Este é um estudo do Des-Abafa, ministério de mulheres da Igreja Red.