Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 11:40

Grieving With Hope
5 Days
Grief is a human experience and no one is immune to it. We grieve when we lose someone or a dream dies. It can strike at any point and is often when we least expect it. We’ll dive into understanding grief and learn how to process the different kinds we’ll go through. Join in on the 5-day Plan so that you can get through your grief in a healthy way.

From Anxiety to Peace
6 Days
If you find yourself constantly struggling with worry and anxiety, this Bible Plan is for you. There will not be a quick formula that guarantees 100% peace nor will everything related to anxiety be addressed. However, the principles contained in this Plan offer pathways toward victory when they are lived out. You’re invited to begin this journey from anxiety to peace.

Revelações Que Transformam
6 Dias
Jesus, no Seu ministério, realizou inúmeras curas e converteu milhares de pessoas com a autoridade e os ensinamentos que recebeu do Pai. Gostaria de chamar a sua atenção para algumas revelações que fez durante o Seu ministério, as quais transformaram a vida das pessoas, inclusive a minha. Tenho certeza que o refrigério, a segurança, a ressurreição, o vigor, a força e o caminho serão agentes transformadores na sua caminhada Cristã.

7 Days
Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.

The Art of Overcoming
7 Days
Life is full of setbacks, losses, disappointments, and pain. “The Art of Overcoming” will help you deal with loss, grief, and hurt. It’s about refusing to allow the things that look like endings to discourage or derail you. Instead, let God turn them into beginnings. When life is confusing and difficult, don’t give up. Look up. No matter what difficult moment or painful loss you’re facing, God is with you.

The Empowered Church
8 Days
More than ever, people are aware that we are deeply connected. This unique time is an opportunity for us to reflect on how we share in each other’s suffering, center ourselves on God, and rise to a calling that does not expire simply because the world is in trouble, but perhaps is even more important now: to demonstrate the radical love of Christ to the most vulnerable in our world.

Friendship With God
9 Days
Friendship with God is all about growing your relationship with God. Throughout scripture God has many names. Comforter, Lord, Protector, Provider and on. One of the things He called Himself that really hit me hard was that He called Himself my friend. What could life look like if we live like God was actually our friend? This changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well!

"Eu Sou..." Como Jesus Se Revela
11 Dias
Na Bíblia, lemos muitas histórias sobre Jesus pelas quais aprendemos a conhecê-Lo melhor. Mas o apóstolo João também registrou declarações de Jesus sobre Si mesmo. Essas declarações chamadas "Eu sou" são frases curtas e concisas que revelam algo sobre o caráter ou ministério de Jesus. Lê-las é uma ótima maneira de conhecer melhor a Jesus!